Chapter Seventeen

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"Thank you John". Sherlock said once the fire was out.

"Your welcome Sherl." John laughed.

"John that's really not funny. You know I hate being called that."

"Sherl, Sherl, Sherl, Sh" John was cut of by Sherlock's lips pressing against his and John immediately kissed back.

The kiss was nothing like the one in John's dream. This kiss was hot and passionate. Both of them feeling their entire body react to the other man's lips. Both of them aching for more.

Sherlock pulled back before the kiss deepened. Sherlock starred at John like a deer in headlights for a moment, before resorting to his normal cocky self. "

"You want to act like my boyfriend, then I'll treat you like my boyfriend." And just liked that Sherlock turned and walked into his bedroom closing and locking the door. Leaving John standing in the burnt kitchen, absolutely stunned.

Sherlock POV
Shit! SHIT! What did I just do? Shit! Why did I do that? John is straight he has no feelings for me! It's not like he is actually jealous of Jake and I, he is just annoyed! Bloody hell! I have been in love with him for years, kept it to myself, kept the peace! And now I've just gone and fucked everything up! I've lost my best friend! I have lost John! He is going to kick me out of the flat!
No, that won't happen. I just have to calm down! Oh stupid sentiment! John knew how I felt and he was ok with it but then went and I kissed him. I think that may have definitely been crossing the line. Was it? I'm no bloody good at this!

But all I have been doing is kissing Jake and closing my eyes and thinking of John! I just wanted to be close to him! STUPID SENTIMENT! He has no feelings for me at all, how many times has he said that and then I went and did that! I bloody kissed him! That was a horrible idea, come on Sherlock! I'm supposed to be a bloody genius but that was so stupid!
There probably wasn't even a real single signal that he wanted to more then friends but I let sentiment get in the way, blur my deductions. Now I have just ruined everything and lost John forever.

I laid on my bed and tried to sleep, I could pack my things in the morning.

John POV
Ok. That's it. I'm done for! There is no more denying anything. I, John Watson. am in love with Sherlock bloody Holmes. I have been lying to myself a doing a bad job. I have always had some interest in being more then friends with him and after he admitted he had feelings for me, all I could do was try to hide my feelings out of fear. I do have feelings for Sherlock. I am insanely jealous of him and Jake. His purple shirt drives me crazy and every time he says my name I feel warm all over! One kiss! That's all it took was one kiss and I feel like my heart has exploded! There is absolutely no more denying it, I couldn't now even if I tried. What am I going to do? Should I play it cool and just go up to him tomorrow and say 'Hi Sherl' or should I just run into his room and tell him I love him!

I should definitely move though I haven't moved since he kissed me a few minutes ago. I can't believe I just kissed Sherlock Holmes.

Sherlock POV
Maybe I should try talking to him? Maybe he's not mad? If he was really that mad he would have stormed in here screaming by now. I guess its a good sign he's not. Or maybe he hasn't come in here screaming because he is upstairs packing because he is leaving. What have I done?

John POV
Maybe I could make him breakfast with a note that says 'If a kitchen fire makes you kiss me than you should use the kitchen more often!"
Or maybe I could just pretend like nothing happened and when he says my name I could kiss him and say 'Well you kissed me when I said your name, I'm just being fair.'
I like that! That's good. Wait....what day is it? How could I have forgotten! I spent so much time planning for this day and I almost let it slip by completely!
End of POV

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