Chapter Six

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Sherlock hailed a cab and the two climbed in.

"Scotland Yard please." Sherlock said to the cabbie. 

"What? Why are we going there, we haven't got a case." 

Sherlock ignored John and the cab started to move. John often thought of "A Study in Pink" during cab rides, has wasn't sure if he would ever be able to ride in a cab again without getting nervous.

"Do you think Jake will still be there?" Sherlock asked breaking the silence.

"Why do you care, it's not like your going to apologize." John said secretly hoping he would not even have a chance to. Sherlock looked offended by John's remark but only for a second, before realizing it was true. 

"I want to ask him what he did to aggravate me, I wouldn't just punch someone because I dislike them". John laughed but then realized the detective had a point after all, he had never punched Anderson. 

"How is Jake supposed to know why you punched him?" John knew Jake hadn't a clue, since there was no truth behind Sherlock's reason. 

"I'll just ask him about everything we talked about at the party." Before Sherlock was even done with the sentence John was in panic. He had to think of a good excuse and fast, if Jake told Sherlock that he was with me on Tuesday afternoon, Sherlock might have another meltdown or the surprise party will be ruined. John was racing to find something to tell Sherlock, when the detective's phone rang.

"Hello" Sherlock said.

"What do you want Mycroft?"

"Excuse me?" Even though John could only here on part of the conversation, he had an idea what Mycroft was calling about after noticing he had left his phone in the flat...again.

"No!" Sherlock snapped, he scowled and handed the phone to John.


"Hello John." Mycroft's voice boomed across the taxi.

"Um, just so you know Sherlock put you on speaker."

"Fine we will talk later, I will have a car pick you up since you conveniently forgot last week". Mycroft hung the phone up. Sherlock shot John a look, "Why did you have plans with Mycroft?" 'He is giving me help planning your party'  John thought "Just chatting."

"Since when do you chat with my brother" Sherlock's face was confused but his eyes were mad. Before John could answer the cab stopped in front of Scotland Yard.

John got out of the car as fast as he could, he didn't feel like getting yelled at by Sherlock for talking to Mycroft or having his motives questioned. For once John left Sherlock behind to pay for the cab. He also wanted to see Jake before the consulting detective and warn him not to say anything.

Sherlock groaned and mumbled as he got out of the taxi and had to pay the driver.

'Why in the bloody hell has John been talking Mycroft?!? I cannot stand my brother! John is my friend, my ONLY friend and now here he goes prancing off with Mycroft. I didnt even think John got along with him.'

He headed in to Scotland Yard, in presuit of John, needing answers as to why he was asscocaiting with Mycroft and looking for reasons for the punch he threw at the party.

'Why has he been so screative lately? First with his stupid new girlfriend and now his new best friend! I wouldnt be suprised if John ended up living with one of them!'

Sherlock stopped dead in his track, a mixture of anger, and sadness. Would John really leave him, was that a real possiblility? Sherlock couldn't even imagine a world in which John didnt live at Baker Street.

'He is already the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing I think about before I go to sleep (if I sleep), if I did not see him in between I would never have another non-John related thought every again.' Sherlock headed to Donovan's office (since Jake was her temporary replacement it was logical that where he would be). But as he was about to go in he noticed someone else was in the room, it was John.

"Listen Sherlock will be up here soon and if you want to avoid being hit again do not mention seeing me over lunch last Tuesday." John warned.

"I don't understand why that upset him, he has to know he can't control your life." Jake said putting his hand on John's shoulder.

"Listen" John said "Sherlock is an ass, dont take it personally thats just who he is."

"He is an agraent, narcissistic, know it all who thinks he is better then everyone else!"

John didn't respond for a few seconds. The consulting dectective stood outside the door furious and hurt. Why John wasn't defending him? Did he agree with Jake? Had John really been with Jake when he told Sherlock he was with his girlfriend?

John finally spoke up "Yes your extremly right."

That was it, Sherlock spun around and headed toward the exit of Scotland yard before he heard the rest of what John said.

"But he is a good, well, semi-good person and he is my friend. I would apprecaite it if you didn't talk about him like that!'

"John I'm your friend too and he punched me for no reason!"

"Yes Jake we are friends, but Sherlock Holmes is my best friend he pulled me out of a dark time and he was their for me when no one else was, he is the most loyal, genuine and extrodinary man I have ever had the plessure to meet. He might be a pain in the arse but he is my pain in the arse and if you have a problem with him then you have a problem with me!" And with that he stormed out of the room.

Sherlock walked down the street, his thoughts consumed by fury and pain, he almost didn't hear the high pitched, sinester voice from behind him.

"Sherrr-lock did you miss me?"

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