Chapter Twelve

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After a half hour of Molly combing through Sherlock's hair and a hour of Sherlock and Molly inspecting all of his clothing, they finally found something. It was a spoor from a plant found in China.

"That makes absolutely no sense! I would no if I had been in China! I was absolutely still in London!" Sherlock ranted.

"Maybe there are some places in Chinatown that sell the plant?" Molly said.

"Molly your a genius! There was a mob 'The Black Lotus' that had an operation in Chinatown a few years ago and had ties to Moriarty. Only Mycroft said that they had been dismantled. I have to go."

And with that the detective sprinted out of the room, but not before saying thank you and giving Molly a kiss on the check.

About halfway to Chinatown some of Sherlock's wounds started hurting and we vomited in the back of a cab, which he was then kicked out of. He thought about getting another cab to Chinatown but decided he wasn't in the best shape to be undercover and headed home.

John was siting in his chair trying to write on his blog when Sherlock walked in.

"Finally! Where the hell have you been?" He shouted. "You shouldn't leave the flat after leaving the hospital so soon!"

"John I do believe that's no concern of yours."

"No concern! Of course it's my bloody concern not only am I supposed to be taking care of you as your doctor but your also my friend!"

"Oh I see we dropped the best. What drug addicts aren't good for your image?" Sherlock said as he hung up his coat.

"At least your admitting it now!"

"That was not an admittance. Excuse me" Sherlock walked into the kitchen, headed towards the bathroom and was followed by John.

"No! You don't get to just run off from the argument not after what you did!" John shouted. Sherlock shot around and went right up to John's face

"Did what John? Are you talking about my cocaine use? My running off without consulting you first? Or what you did in the stairwell." Sherlock's voice was cold and harsh.

"What I! What you! That was not me! That was, that was you that wasn't um no that wasn't anything, that was just, that was um that was nothing."

John continued blubbering for a few seconds before Sherlock cut in.

"That was you bridging a gap, and thinking about kissing me! Don't think so? Check your pulse doctor I believe it's quickened since I got closer."

And with that he walked into the bathroom and shut the door. He really had no idea if John's heart rate had quickened or not and he was positive that John had no intention of ever kissing Sherlock in the stairs, but he knew saying those things would make John shut up and walk away so the detective could puke in private. John walked away with his fingers on his neck.


The next day Sherlock still wasn't feeling well but decided to go to Chinatown anyway. He had decided to just walk around and see if he saw anyone he recognized, possibly from the kidnapping. He walked around for a good 2 hours before he spotted one of the men that had beaten him. He was talking to someone but Sherlock couldn't tell who, until they handed him a pile of cash.

'Must be Moriarty, paying him for his services.'

The goon walked away first, a minute or so later the one who had payed him walked away and Sherlock could see him clearly.

'So he does work for Moriarty! I should have figured this out sooner! I was so jealous I didn't even look past the possibility that he was dating John! I never checked up on him! STUPID! Oh Moriarty is good, inserting a pawn into Scotland Yard! I should have realized when I met him, it never would have taken this long for me to see if it wasn't for John's relationship to him! This is why sentiment is always found on the losing team!"

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