Chapter Twenty

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John's heart dropped lower and lower in his gut as he read the contents of the flashdrive. According to that flash drive, Sherlock had almost jumped off that roof because he didn't think that he could rebuild his reputation.

'He almost took himself away from me, from everyone who cared about him because his bloody detective reputation was in shambles. It was no secret that Sherlock was selfish, but this was a new extreme.'

Then there were the pictures. Everyday, since Sherlock was in the hospital, since he swore he was clean, he was getting high in their home. That hurt John enough, but was the video.

'John was asleep on the couch, Sherlock getting high in the kitchen. He went to but away his supplies, about an hour later he came out to make a cup of tea. Then there was the kitchen fire and the alarm. A few minutes later, it showed Sherlock leaning in and kissing John. There wasn't a single moment missing from the video, them separating. Sherlock going into his room and pacing before grabbing the box from under his bed and tying of his arm. The video shook a bit and showed Sherlock shooting up. It shook again, Sherlock was untying his arm, and setting everything back in the box. His phone buzzed, John was at the room.'

John stopped the video, he couldn't watch anymore. How could he have been high for all of that. How couldSherlock have done that to him. Tell him he was clean as he was using. Tell him he loved him when he was high. Tears welled up in John's eyes. But they wouldn't spill over something was nagging him about the video.

He went back to wear the footage shook. It was such a small detail, but after the footage shook there wasn't anything on the left side of Sherlock's neck. Before it had shook there was a very light hickey from Jake.

John remembered it. It was the first one he had seen that night before he stopped what has happening with him and Sherlock. John played through the video again, after the footage shook the hickey was gone again. The video, at least the part of him actually using, was from a different night.

'He didn't use again after we kissed. He was going to, he had the box and was tying his arm. But why would the footage of him actually using be from a different night, unless he didn't go through with it. He must have come down between street of the fire and the kiss, why would we start getting high again if he hadn't?'

It didn't fix anything, and John knew that Sherlock was most likely still a little high when everything was happening that night. But it put some of his heart back together knowing that Sherlock stopped once something happened with John. He kept thinking about it,

'Why wouldn't whoever put this video together use a clip of him using after the hickey, unless there wasn't one. Why would Sherlock ask me for cigarettes tonight, if he was using? He always claims to focus better on drugs, if he was using he would have certainly wanted something stronger than cigarettes. Before we kissed, that must have been the last time.'

It wasn't much, but it was something. If Sherlock had stopped, then they could work through it. John was livid about all the lies and what had happened on the roof. He didn't even want to look at Sherlock, but he still loved him.

'Whatever happened, whatever happens we can get through it. I just hope he saw my text about Moriarty's trap. I wish I knew where he was.'

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