Chapter Four

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Jake turned and walked away for good this time. John turned to look at Sherlock. He looked confused, bit angry, and almost absentmindedly he took the drink John had made him hold a chugged the whole thing!

"A word please" was all Sherlock said before he grabbed John's sleeve and dragged him outside the flat and around the corner. When Sherlock thought they were far enough away he pushed John against a wall. Sherlock had never felt quite like this before. His heart was beating fast and his face was hot, he felt slightly angry but it wasn't anger he was feeling.

"Your dating Jake?!" Sherlock exclaimed. John didn't not see that coming.

"How are you dating Jake?" Sherlock burst "You barley even know him!".

John just stood there in shock not sure what to say. Of course he wasn't dating Jake! Why did his friend's mind immediately go there?!

Sherlock started again "Aren't you the one always tell people that your straight?"

"I am straight!" John exclaimed.

Sherlock laughed all though he didn't find any of this funny.

"Obviously your not if your dating Jake!" shouted the detective. "I see why your waiting to tell people!"

"Sherlock, I am not seeing Jake! Well, yes I did see him on Tuesday, but I did not have lunch with him!"

"Then how did he keep you past your lunch break?" Sherlock questioned.

"We ran into each other, we started talking."

"So Jake meet your new girlfriend? If I asked him, thats what he would tell me?"

"Don't ask Jake!" John shouted quickly, afraid that the whole surprise party would be blown.

He sighed, "There was no one else with me, it was just Jake and I."

Sherlock paced a bit in front of John, "So you were out with Jake?"

'Why is he acting like this' John thought, before replying "I was out, and Jake happened to be there."

With that Sherlock turned and left. As he walked back to the party Sherlock tried to put a name to what he was feeling. He just wanted to explode! All the times people accused them of being a couple John got so upset. Sherlock just assumed it was because he was straight, but no! Was the thought of dating Sherlock really that repulsive to John. Sherlock got back to the party and immediately headed towards the boozes. He wasn't usually a drinker but he want to get rid of this nagging emotion he was feeling towards John and Jake.


John stood against the wall for a bit longer after Sherlock had left, trying to process what had just happened. 'Why is he reacting like this?' John thought. 'Why does he think I'm dating Jake' Of course John knew why Sherlock thought this...because he lied and said he was on a lunch date the other afternoon, but that still didn't explain his friends outburst. He decided that he would talk to Sherlock after the party, in the privacy of there own flat.

John returned to the party, and to his horror saw what seemed like a drunk Sherlock in the corner, talking to Jake Rogers. As he got closer to them, it almost sounded as if Jake was flirting with Sherlock! Fuck, is Jake gay? That is just going to make Sherlock buy in more to his theory!

"Hey Jake, can you give Sherlock and I a minute?" John asked as he reached the two.

"No problem Johnny Boy! I'll see you guys later."

"Johnny Boy? That is a dumb pet name." Sherlock laughed.

"It's not a pet name, Jake has just been drinking. By the looks of it so have you! How many of those...what even is that...never mind. How much have you had to drink in the twenty minutes I was gone?"

"Good question! I am not actually sure what this is, one of Lestrade's friends brought it. I think I've had four, maybe five." Sherlock stated.

"For the love of God, Sherlock this isn't a college frat party!"

"Well you seem to like Jake and he is fresh out of uni, so I figured I would act like I am as well."

John was so taken aback by Sherlock's comment, he didn't even try to stop the detective as went to mingle with the party guests. Sherlock had begun walking around telling people off the wall facts and giving slurred deductions. People actually found this to be quite entertaining and even Sherlock was laughing at himself. John decided he would just let the detective be, after all this was better then being arguing. Besides he needed to talk to Jake.

Sherlock walked over to Lestrade,

"Hello Gavin! What a great fiesta this is!"

"Thanks Sherlock but it's Gregg" the DI said to the curly hair covered head on his shoulder.

"Gregg! Ok Ok I will put that in my mind palace!"

"Ok great Sherlock but would you mind getting off me"

"Of course not Grrr-eg you smell funny anyway".

With that Sherlock was on to the next party guest and drinking more.

John was over talking to Jake, and to his relief the young want-to-be detective hadn't said anything more to Sherlock about seeing John in the store. However the fact that they were sitting closely to each other on the sofa and talking didn't escape the notice of Sherlock Holmes.

About ten minutes before midnight Sherlock got up on to Lastrade's sofa and started hitting a knife against a glass.

"Excuse me, I have a toast to ring in the New Year" shouted the detective. "First lets all thank Gary for the great party and um let's see a Anderson you are an idoit!"

From the kitchen you could here Lastrade laughing at Anderson "He may not know my name but even when he is drunk he still hates you!"

Sherlock continued taking for a few minutes "And to end my speech for a great New Year let's see a where is that Jake fellow? Bring him up."

John who had been standing in the middle of the crowd gulped 'This is bloody great Sherlock thinks were dating and know he is gonna announce it'.

Jake walked up to the consulting detective. "Ah Jake there you are!" Sherlock exclaimed and in one swift movement he jumped off the couch walked over to Jake and punched him square in the face.

'Bloody hell!' John started to make his way to Sherlock and Jake. There were gasp and laughter mixed throughout the crowd. By the time John got to the front of the room Sherlock was already getting into a cab outside.

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