Chapter Three

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That night when John returned to Baker Street after work he didn't see Sherlock anywhere in the flat. He assumed his friend had just gone somewhere and would be back shortly. John took his coat off and went upstairs to his room to get his laptop. When he opened his door he felt a wave of anger swoop over him, his room was an absolute mess and Sherlock was laying upside down on his bed throwing and catching a small rubber ball.

"Bloody hell Sherlock what did you do?" John shouted.

Sherlock kept throwing the rubber ball and kept his eyes focused on it, "How was your lunch with Molly?"

"What?" John asked a bit confused and still very pissed at his flatmate.

"Molly, you said you were having lunch with Molly, but I asked Molly and she said you had no plans with her" Sherlock said calmly. John suddenly realized why his room was in this state.

"Sher...Sherlock" John said trying to reign in his temper. "You did this to my room because I told you a little white lie?"

Sherlock rolled off the bed and walked up to John with the ball clenched in his fist "So you admit you lied to me. Why?" Sherlock glared at John waiting for an answer.

"Why? Why! Sherlock I don't owe you any explanation after what you did to my bedroom!" John yelled.

"I texted you several times you didn't answer, I said there was an emergency and you still didn't answer!" Sherlock yelled back. "What could possibly be more important then me!"

"Oh yes because the whole universe revolves around Sherlock Holmes, well isn't that right?" John yelled "Maybe if you weren't such an arse all the bloody time I would have showed up for your emergency!"

With that John left the doorway of his room and started down the stairs

"Where are you going" Sherlock called after him.

"Out!" John screamed.

The detective took the small rubber ball he had been holding and chucked it at the back of John's head! The doctor stopped and turned back to Sherlock "Grow up!" before grabbing his coat and leaving the flat.


Sherlock sat in his chair shooting the wall. John's words echoed through his head 'Grow up'. What was John talking about Sherlock was a grown up! If anyone had to grow up it was John! He was the one who told the petty lie so he didn't have to eat with Sherlock.

'Why didn't he want to eat with me' the detective wondered.

Had he done something wrong? Something to upset John? Still John shouldn't have lied to him. Maybe Sherlock hadn't done something wrong maybe John was trying to keep secret who he was having lunch with. Sherlock thought back to the night before when John had hidden who he was talking to.

'Yes' thought Sherlock, John was definitely trying to hide someone from him. But who? Why? Then the thought hit him, 'John must be seeing someone new, but why hid that? Did John not want his new girlfriend to meet him? That would be absurd, wouldn't it? Unless, was John ashamed of his friendship with me? ' Bang! Another bullet hit the wall above the couch.


John walked through the brisk December air. All he wanted to do was throw a birthday party for his friend and look what happened. John was still furious at Sherlock for destroying his room, but for some reason the fact that Sherlock got so upset simply because John didn't eat with him and didn't return a few messages, made John a bit giddy.


Sherlock and John didn't talk for a few days. They were both still very angry with each other. The first time they spoke after their fight was on New Year's Eve. They had been invited to Lestrade's flat for a party, Sherlock was ready before John and was sitting patiently in his chair.

He was wearing black pants and a purple button down shirt. John came down wearing jeans and a green jumper.

"You aren't seriously going to wear that are you?" Sherlock asked. The sound of Sherlock's voice startled John a bit.

"Um ya I am, why?" John responded. He looked to see what his flatmate was wearing, a smile crept on to his face when we saw that Sherlock was in his purple shirt, he always looked so dashing in that shirt.

Sherlock stood up and walked into his room yelling behind him "We are going to a party, you can't look like your mother dressed you".

He walked back out and threw John a black button down.

"Put this on" he said before sitting back in his chair.

John didn't feel like getting into it with Sherlock so he took off his jumper and put on the button down to his dismay. Sherlock's eyes couldn't help but to wander to the good doctor's chiseled torso as he changed.

They didn't speak again until the middle of the cab ride. "We will have to be civil and talk to each other at the party," John said braking the awkward silence.

"Yes I know" said Sherlock.

A few minutes later Sherlock spoke again "John? Why don't you want me to meet her?"

This statement confused John quite a bit "Who, Sherlock?" he asked.

"Your new girlfriend, the one you were texting and had lunch with".

John had to stop himself from laughing, Sherlock thought he had a new girlfriend! John thought about what his flatmate had said for a moment, a new girlfriend would actually be the perfect excuse for him to sneak around and plan Sherlock's party. He knew he couldn't get caught in his lie until after the birthday party, no one would mention talking to John in fear of blowing the surprise. Donovan was coming back from her holiday in a few days so he wouldn't have to worry about Jake saying anything to Sherlock. Yes, a new girlfriend was a very good excuse.

"Oh so you know about her!" John said trying to act surprised. "Well um, she wanted to keep our relationship hidden for awhile as not to a jinx it." John said very proud of the lie he was spinning.

Most people couldn't lie to Sherlock, but John could because Sherlock trusted him so much. Thinking of how much Sherlock truly did trust John made him feel bad for lying to him, but how else do you throw a surprise party?

"Well that's not logical" he heard Sherlock say.

"Well it's what we want at the moment and I would appreciate if you not mention it to anyone at the party."

This made Sherlock feel so much better. John wasn't ashamed of him, he wasn't telling anyone about this mysterious new girlfriend.

"Is that why you didn't want to eat lunch with me?" Sherlock asked "Because you had a date?".

"Uh, yes that is exactly it" John replayed.

"Is that why you didn't answer my texts?" Sherlock inquired.

"No Sherlock, I left my phone in the flat by mistake."

They didn't talk for the test of the ride but the both felt better.


They arrived at Lestrade's flat a little past 9:30. Almost everyone else was there by that time. They walked around and chatted, John convinced Sherlock to hold a glass of whiskey even if he wasn't going to drink it. Sherlock still didn't quite understand but John said it would make him seem like he was having a nice time.

John got peckish and dragged Sherlock over to the snack table. As he piled his plate with crisps, Jake walked over to them. John saw him out of the corner of his eye. 'Fuck!' he thought 'Jake better not mention running into me at the store or my fake girlfriend lie will shatter'.

"Hello John! Hello Sherlock!" Jake greeted presently.

"Hello Jake" John replied and Sherlock nodded his head in acknowledgment.

They began to talk about cases that Sherlock had solved and how Jake wished he could continue to work with both of them. Finally the conversation was finished and Jake turned to walk away. John breathed a sigh of relief, right before Jake turned around to say one last thing. "Oh by the way John I'm so sorry about keeping you past your lunch break on Tuesday. I hope you didn't get in to much trouble because of me".

'I will now', John thought.

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