Chapter Twentyone

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Sherlock laid in his own vomit as the sun rolled in threw the windows. He heard faint voices in the distance.

"For heaven sake Sherlock when I said you could borrow my car I figured it would be returned! You better be here little brother!"

It was Mycroft from downstairs. Feet clomped against the metal staircase.

"Oh God it smells in here. Sherlock? Sherlock!" Mycroft spotted his brother and rushed over to him, not caring if he was ruining his new suit.

"What the hell is this Sherlock?"

"Moriarty, I have to save everyone." Sherlock mumbled, as he looked at the box. Still on syringe left, he had to finish the box, or everyone would be back in jeopardy.

"I hardly see how this saves anyone!" Mycroft explained. He was looking around the room in disgust. Sherlock took his chance, grabbed the last needle and jammed it into his arm. As Mycroft turned around, the last of Morairty's cocaine was entering Sherlock's bloodstream.

"Jesus Christ! You just had to finish it up didn't you."

Sherlock faintly heard Mycroft call for someone, before he blacked out.


Sherlock woke up in ICU at Bart's. This time there were no flowers from Mycroft because he was the only person in the room.

"Oh good your awake" Mycroft said peering down at the wide eyed Sherlock. "Now I can hit you." Mycroft rolled up the newspaper he was reading and waked Sherlock like a dog.

"Ow. What was that for?"

"What was that for? You were a centimeter from death's door you idiot! You scared me horribly."

"Why on Earth were you scared?" Sherlock scoffed.

Mycroft looked down, "You're loss would break my heart."

"What the hell am I supposed to say to that?"

"Haven't the faintest. Honestly though Sherlock how could you have been so idiotic. You should have no you couldn't handle that much."

"I didn't have a choice. I made a deal with devil. One I doubt he will stay true to since I'm alive. He'll be far to angry."

"I'm sorry what are you blabbering about?"

"Where is John? Is he safe?" Sherlock said as loudly as he could, which was barely above a whisper, due to the scratching the tubes had left in his throat.

"Yes he is at Baker St. with Mrs.Hudson. I have a detail on them because of what John found."

"What was on the flashdrive?"

"Details about what happened on the roof a year ago. I can only imagine that they are falsified though since they are from Moriarty."

"Anything else?"

"Pictures of you using, video of you making out with John Watson."

"What!?" Sherlock bolted up, but only about a quarter meter before falling back with no more energy.

"When did you start dating? I didn't even know you knew what that was."

"Who knows I'm here, or better yet who knows I'm going to make it?"

"A handful of people know you were brought here, so far only your doctor, a nurse, and myself know that you have a fear chance of pulling through."

"Keep it that way. Pay off the doctor and the nurse to keep there mouths shut, the world needs to think I'm dying."

"Why is that?"

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