Chapter Eleven

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"You idiot!"

"Why Sherlock?"

"How could you?"

"I thought we were past this"

"Is this why you really got beat up?"

"You could have talked to us!"

"Where have you been buying?"

"Do you wanna talk to us now?"

"Where have you been using?"

"We are here for you."

"Your the stupidest person I know."

"Addiction is a disease."

"It was his choice!"

"God Sherlock!"

"Addiction is worse then sentiment!"

"Are you going to stop?"

"Of course he's gonna stop!"

"And you know this how John?"

"Because I know him!"

"Did you know about this?"

"Of course I didn't bloody know Greg!"

"Then obviously you don't really know him."

"I know him a hell of a lot better then you, Mycroft!"

"Oh yes, and out of the three of us which one hasn't been with him, when he's been using?

"He would have been."

"But he wasn't. It was you, Molly, and I! And before that it was my parents and me!"

"Oh yes! Where is Molly? I'm sure she would love to join in scolding me!" Those were the first words Sherlock had said in 7 minutes. Which was followed by silence. Until...

"Oh shut up!"

"Don't be such an arse!"

"Molly really should be here."

"Oh shut up John!"

"Sherlock you deserve all of this scolding!"

"Don't tell me to shut up!"

"Oh shut up John!"


"Oh shut up Greg!"


"This is about Sherlock not me!"

The three men all stopped and looked at Sherlock. "You owe us an explanation Sherlock." said John quietly.

"I owe no one anything!" snapped the consulting detective. "All of this yelling is stressing me out, one of you get me some nicotine gum, it's in my jacket.

John walked to the other side of the room, and reached into Sherlock's pocket. He pulled out the pack of gum and a used needle.

"Still going to say you arnt using?"

Lastrade and Mycroft started yelling again and John just starred blankly at Sherlock, before turning and leaving the room. Lastrade and Mycroft were to busy arguing with each other to notice John leave and Sherlock get out of bed and follow him.

Sherlock lost his blogger for a few minutes until he went into the stairwell to find John crying. "John?"

"Oh bloody fantastic! Just what I need right now! A speech about sentiment and a bunch of excuses!"

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