Chapter Sixteen

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The next day John woke up to find Sherlock missing once again, only this time there was a note on the table.

'Out with Jake, I'll be back later. -SH'.

John rolled his eyes, he honestly hated Jake now. Not only because he worked for Moriarty but because he was Sherlock's 'boyfriend'. He wasn't sure why but just the thought of Sherlock being with Jake made his blood boil. He just hoped that they wouldn't come back to the flat, so he didn't have to be near them.

Everything was peaceful in 221B for the next few hours until John heard the downstairs door swing open and someone crash into the wall. He was about to get up and make sure everything was ok when he heard,

"Jake, it's the middle..." A few seconds of silence "of the day, John is up..." More silence "stairs we can't..." Long stretch of silence "will you stop kissing me until I'm done with me senten.....".

John cringed at that last part but at least Sherlock was discouraging it. He heard steps up the stairs and the door fly open to reveal Sherlock followed by Jake.

"Hello John!" Said Jake cheerfully before waltzing in and plopping down on the coach.

"Jake" John said monotoned before looking up to glare at Sherlock. Sherlock noticed the glare and the obvious fact that John didn't want Jake here and Sherlock was getting rather tired of pushing Jake off of him. So he told Jake he had work to do.

"Ok bye John bye Sherl" Jake said before walking out the door and goosing Sherlock on the way.

"I know why I am so annoyed by Jake, but if you really don't have feelings for me, then why are you" said Sherlock with a smug grin after the door shut.

"He works for Moriarty, why on Earth would I like him?"

"Well before you knew he worked for Moriarty he annoyed you. But only after he started seeing me, you were friends before that."

"You're not as clever as you think you are Sherlock."

"Then how did I find out the names of four more of Morarity's men." The detective said proudly.

"Really!? That's fantastic! ....But how do you know he didn't just give you fake names?"

"Because my dear Watson, Jake doesn't know that I know who he works for, so he just casually mentioned some of his co-workers."

"They still could be fake Sherlock you don't know how smart he is."

"Oh don't worry he was to pre-occupied to lie, it's so easy getting information from him. He is such a sex-crazed collage student that the second I-" Sherlock stopped mid-sentence noticing the look on John's face.

"Something wrong John?"

"I just really don't want to hear about your sex life Sherlock."

"Oh, we haven't had sex! God no, I'd never let him get that far!"

John's face lit up "You haven't had sex with him?!"

"I have no desire to." Sherlock said plainly.

A smile grew on John's face that he wasn't able to control, he felt like a kid on Christmas.


John walked into the kitchen and saw Sherlock making tea.

"What are you doing?"

"As usual Watson you see but no observe. I am making tea."

"I know that you twat. I mean, why? You never make tea."

"Well I thought it would be nice to sit by the fire, cuddled up with and a warm cuppa."

Sherlock handed John a mug.

"And do what?" John laughed "It sounds like a nice idea, but we would both get bored within five minutes."

"Well we could talk, or not talk." Sherlock said as he leaned in to kiss John.

John smiled into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Sherlock's neck. The kiss was gentle and loving, like they had done it a thousand times before. It felt like coming home.

John pulled back first, "If we do that we will spill the tea you just made."

"Well the tea is rubbish anyway," Sherlock said far to happily, "I put in an extra ingredient, I don't think it will taste very good."

"Extra ingredient? It better not be a severed toe." John laughed looking down at his mug. He starred for a moment in disbelief before reaching his hand in an pulling out a ring. He looked up from his mug and Sherlock was on one knee.

"Marry me John Watson."


"What was that noise?" John asked.

"What noise John?"


"There it is again!"

"John there isn't any noise! Could you please try to focus on the bloody proposal?!"

John smiled "Of course I'll marry you Sherlock!"


"What is that noise?!"


John's eyes shot open, he had been asleep on the couch, dreaming. But he was woken up by a horrible,


"Sherlock!" John yelled "What's going on?" He got up and walked into the kitchen where Sherlock was batting a large stove fire with a cloth.

"Bloody hell!" John said running to help, "What did you do?"

"I was trying to make tea! Mrs.Hudson is out and you were asleep!"

John rolled his eyes as he grabbed the fire extinguisher. This surely was different from his dream '....but what was that dream?' He thought. 'Am I actually in love with Sherlock?'


John quickly forgot about his previous thought and his dream as he laughed at the detective batting angrily at the fire.

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