Chapter Two

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The next morning when John came down stairs to grab a quick bit to eat before he headed to work, Sherlock was perched in his chair flipping through the newspaper. 

"Hello" said John as he passed his friend. Sherlock nodded in acknowledge. John had a cup of coffee and some toast before heading towards the door and putting on his coat. Just before John was about to head out the door he heard Sherlock say his name, he spun around to look at him "Yes".

"Would you like to meet for lunch today?"

This wasn't an odd question since the two often ate together, or rather Sherlock talked while John ate. However, John was planning to shop for a present for Sherlock's birthday this afternoon. "Um sorry but I already have plans."

"With who" Sherlock asked raising his eyebrows. John had to think of something quick so Sherlock wouldn't ask to join him. "I'm-a- having lunch with...Molly." John said.

"Well I'll just tag along then" said Sherlock looking back down at his paper. 

"Um no you... you can't" John knew that this would upset Sherlock, he hated being left out and told what to do. Sherlock's gaze left his paper once again, his eyebrows raised and his lips frowning. "It's a-um a private lunch for... doctors" John stumbled out. 

"Molly isn't a doctor!" snapped Sherlock. 

"Well you can't come. I'm sorry" and with that John left the flat.


Sherlock sat in the flat trying to occupy himself but he couldn't get his mind off his earlier conversation with John. If John was truly having lunch with Molly why couldn't he come, Molly liked Sherlock. Something was definitely going on with John and Sherlock didn't like it one bit. Sherlock looked at his phone, 'John should be in the middle of his lunch right about now' he thought. So he picked up his phone and texted Molly.

"Are you currently with John?


"No sorry" Molly replied.

"Don't you to have lunch plans?


"Not that I know of."

Sherlock put down his phone. Why in the world would John lie about having lunch plans? Did he not want Sherlock knowing who he was spending time with or did he just not want to spend time with Sherlock. He picked up his phone again, this time to text John.

"John who are you eating with?


No reply.

"Molly said that you had no plans with her.


No reply.

"John answer your bloody phone.


Still no reply.

Sherlock was getting quite irritated with his friend. What if there was an emergency and John was to busy at lunch with who ever he was trying to hide from Sherlock. Then it hit him, what if John was at lunch with whom ever he was texting last night. This thought greatly upset the detective.

"John come quickly.


No reply.

"Emergency at Baker St.


No reply.

"John NOW!


Still no reply.

Sherlock needed John to reply, this was getting to be very annoying.

"John if you don't come home I will go into your room and steal your things.


Sherlock chuckled to himself clearly this would get a reaction out of the good doctor. But still there was no reply.


John walked around a small gift shop looking through ever aisle, he had absolutely no idea of what to buy Sherlock as a present. Nothing he saw would have been even remotely acceptable to Sherlock. John sighed and went on to the next aisle. As he was bent down to look at some puzzles on the bottom shelf, someone ran into him knocking him off balance. 

"Oh I'm so sorry" said a familiar voice, "Oh hello Dr.Watson, odd seeing you here." 

John looked up to see Jake Rogers from the crime scenes. 

"Oh why hello Jake, good to see you again, please call me John" he said as he stood back up. 

John and Jake chatted for sometime as they walked around the store together. John learned that Jake was fresh out of university and that he originally just applied as an intern for Scotland Yard. Due to his impressive resume from internships throughout his time at university he was able to get the job filling in for Donavon. They talked a bit about John's time in the military and some of his adventures with Sherlock. To John's surprise he actually had quite a nice time with Jake and had found the perfect gift for Sherlock. 

As John and Jake walked to the checkout Jake exclaimed "Wow can you believe it's already 2 o'clock!" 

"Oh shit!" cried John "I forgot my phone in my flat so I completely lost track of the bloody time! I was supposed to be back from lunch an hour ago! I will see you later Jake". 

With that John dropped his present for Sherlock and sprinted out of the store to catch a taxi.

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