Chapter 18

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Two years later


I stood in front of blake. "You've fought and deafeted everyone else, now you need to beat me"  

"What if I hurt you"  

"You won't"  

"You don't think I can beat you?"   "Maybe"  

"Oh your on" I smile ready for the fight. We both get into the fighting stance. "Mommy mommy" hazel comes padding up to me her arms out stretched. Because she's an alpha she can already talk and somewhat walk. "Go over to auntie Liz remember like the other times" I laughed as she waddled over to Liz. I have been training my white wolf for two years I have taken everyone but Blake and have deafeted them and I have powers that include healing, teleporting, telekinesis and extra strength ect. They just sort of come to me when I need them.

I went back into a fighting stance and he came running at me. I slipped to the side sticking my foot out and tripping him up. He grabbed me and dragged me down with him. I stood up quickly, he jumped up and punched my face. I grabbed his arm twisted it and threw him. He stood up and grabbed me pushing me down I stood up kicking him. This went on for the next hour. He ran at me and I slid across the ground one leg out and tripped him up jumping on top of him and holding him down. The pack cheered as it was obvious I'd won. Hazel came running and jumped on Blake's stomach winding him. "Heylo daddy, heylo mommy" She giggled jumping up and down on Blake's stomach. "Hello baby, how about a strawberry roll?" I laughed as she repeated yes over and over again while nodding her head vigorously. I looked over at Liz nodding my head over to the kitchen.

I bent down giving hazel the roll. "Go over to daddy now okay". "Okay" she ran of stuffing her face. "So what's up?" I looked away from where hazel had just disappeared "Blake's turning twenty soon but I don't know what to do, I was thinking party?" "Yeah and food and that, it can be surprise" I nodded my head and we continued talking about the plans. I really hoped this will go well he deserves it. A scream cut of my thoughts... A childs scream. "Mommy" I ran at the sound of hazels voice only to stop dead in my tracks. A little girl lay limp on the ground. I walked slowly afraid of who it would be looking around to see no sighn of hazel. As I came into view I saw it was not hazel but a child from our pack. Rage ran through me as I thought of someone hurting a child. "She's dead!" I stood up my bones popping, I couldn't hold my wolf back anymore. I shifted and let a howl out calling for hazel. Blake came running out, he looked at me, looked around and then ran of. He came back around with hazel in his arms. Kyle took her and the women and children down to the safe house. I knew it was time. I ran over to Blake rubbing my head across his legs. " Do we have to kill them?" I mindlinked him. " Yes Hunny... yes" he smiled meekly at me and shifted. "Well, well, well what do we have here" the wretched voice rang out of Xavier the black wolf. "A very nice house... wouldn't mind if I had it..." He shifted and tons of rouges spilled out from the forest and the battle began.

I ran, my paws pounding against the ground. Its time they pay for hurting my child, the other child, EVERYTHING! I fought wolves of looking for one person in general. The person I'm supposed to call mother. The name sounded disgusting in my head. The fight had gone on for a while now but there was no break either side had wolves just coming and coming. I ran into a clearing shifting and putting some clothes on. No I was not running away, No I was not a coward. He was here, I knew it.

Cackle rang out through the clearing echoing all around. "So you decided to come face your ending... smart choice for such a pathetic thing" he laughed again. "No I came to witness, No kill you!" I shouted. He walked out the scars and many years of battle vibrant on his face. "We'll see about that" and with that the battle began. He ran at me and struck my face. I smacked against a tree my head already pounding. He ran again but I slipped past him this time behind him. I pushed hard on his back and he fell to the ground and I kicked him in the face. He grimaced at me jumping up, kicking just below my knee, I stumbled backwards. Time to use what I have. I put my hands out in front of me and lifted him of the ground using my powers. I threw him across the very large clearing. He jumped up grabbing my throat and pushing me up against a tree. "I believe this is were your mother stuck her claws in you like I ordered" he dug his claws in the same place she did and I held back a whimper, I will not show fear. "Oh and how was the rouge, did he have fun with you?" he cackled. "No actually his dead" I said cooly as he's face dropped. I teleported out if his arms to behind him. I used some more and struck him with lighting. He pushed me back with some unknown force. Obviously I'm not the only one with powers. His eyes turned red while mine turned purple and blue. We both struck a power orb and it reminded me of harry potter just without the wands. Six warriors and Blake came into the edge of the clearing and stared at what was unfolding in front of them. I surged some more power through putting almost all my effort into it. He finally let out as the whole power line was now purple and blue. I smirked as fear consumed his eyes. "Goodbye black wolf". Yet again lighting struck and his body lay limp on the floor."What have you done, you... you bitch" my 'mother' came running into the clearing. She placed his head onto her lap and caressed his cheek.

Her eyes turned black and she stared at me her eyes were as if they were a vortex, it creeped me out. "Im glad I became a demon cause now I'm going to kill you!" she sprung at me but I flicked my hand and she swung of lying on the floor. I stopped her from tapping into her powers and her wolf so she was just her now. I let my anger consume me. "You killed my daughter, you killed one of my packs children, YOU hurt MY MATE, THERE IS NO MERCY FOR YOU! I screamed. My hair flowed upwards and my feet lifted of the ground. My body had a wave of blue and purple energy with what looked like electricity around all of it and my eyes were the same colour. I had put up a wall of energy , the same colour again?, around me and my 'mother' so nothing could get in or out. The six warriors and Blake just stood outside the wall gaping they were stopped from helping by the wall of energy. I used the elements this time. I sucked the air out of her lungs. I lifted her in the air and then put a wave of fire and water in a ball and she was in the middle of it. I watched as she drowned/burnt. The energy faded away and there was nothing left of the women I once called mother. My feet touched the floor and a wave of energy loss flooded over me. My kness buckled from beneath me, I hit the floor and let the darkness seep in.

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