Chapter 1

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I ran through the trees at my inhumane speed. My wolf was out and I'm glad, it was like a ton of stress was released of my shoulders. I turned round to see my brother Nathan almost catching up with me.

No I pushed harder, determined to not let him pass.

I screamed as I felt he's hand grab my ankle. I fell face first onto the floor. I laughed, the good times I had with my brother. He was all I had now and now matter how old we get we will always act like children. When I am around him it was like an off switch, i can relax and be myself around him. I turned onto my back to be met with a unfamiliar face. A strong smell hit my nose. I recognized the scent straight away. "Ahhhhh, rouge" I screamed to my brother. I kneed him, where the sun don't shine, and jumped up as he knelt in pain.

"Run" Nathan shouted. And both of us turned. I grabbed his hand and pulled him away. I felt his hand being ripped out of mine. I heard Nathan cry in pain. I turned at the last second to see Nathan struck; his limp body falling to the ground.

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