Chapter 6

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We rushed through the door, straight to the pack doctors room. Many eyes scanned miya and Liz with worried expressions. We slammed through his door and placed both unconscious girls on a table.

" We were attacked by Rouges" I explained to the doctor looking up at his face. "Why is he's eyes black, why is he's wolf out?" johnny whisperd in my ear. "Because he's seen his Luna hurt, and his mad" I gritted my teeth.

" Miya's your mate, but the way you treated her was bad she might not want to be Luna, but what are we going to do, she's the white wolf?" he's face darkened.

"She is the white wolf?" the pack doctor asked. I nodded my head. I was so confused. Iv seen her wolf when she transformed the first time, but why a second and why the white wolf? Liz's eyes slowly opened. Johnny walked over to help slowly pull her up into a sitting position. "Are you okay?" I asked making sure I looked after my pack members was one of my highest priorites. She nodded her head, slightly dazed.

Next the doctor took a look at Miya. Putting some sort of liquid on her leg to speed the healing process. He stitched the skin back together and put a thin metal bar in to help the bone heal properly.

I thanked him again. Johnny took Liz up to there room for rest and I did the same for miya. She still was not awake when we got to the bedroom so I gently placed her on the bed being careful not to put pressure on that leg like the doc said.


I woke up and turned slightly to see it was 4 in the morning. I yawned slightly stretching my arms. My hand nudged something warm and I turned to see Blake extremely close to me. I screamed and jumped out the bed, falling straight after when pain shot up my leg. I know he was my mate but I cannot just forgive him for doing that and we haven't the relationship to be sleeping in the same room let alone bed.

Blake was by me side in seconds helping me up of the floor. I pushed him away and went to step on my leg until noticing crutches in the corner. I looked down to see a black medical boot on my leg and turned to face Blake, one hand resting on the wall for support. "What happened?" I was confused and couldn't remember much from the night before except for a clearing. "I can only remember a clearing" I looked up to see big worried eyes. "Rouges" that's all he said and I knew. "Shit Liz" I hobbled from the room heading towards Liz's room. "Baby come on you can't walk your meant to be rested she's fine everyones fine baby come back to the bedroom" I turned to face Blake still using the wall for support. We had managed to get down to the other end of the very long hallway and I was exhausted having a fucked up leg is just great. " 1. don't call me baby 2. I want to see my best friend I want to know if she's fine myself 3. we shouldn't be in the same room let alone the same bed got it?" Blake just stared at me. "What's wrong with sharing a bedroom?" he asked. "What's wrong with sharing a bedroom! haha what's wrong with sharing a bedroom with someone who chucks you up a wall hmmmm take a guess" I didn't even give him time to answer I turned and headed for Liz's bedroom.

I carried on round the corner down a corridor and then to a set of stairs. Slowly I placed my good leg then slowly my bad leg putting all the pressure on my good. I did this for four more steps until coming to the laminated ones. As I stepped down my foot slipped underneath me and I fell. All the way down. And fuck did it hurt. I landed on my bad leg giving a sharp yelp as I did so. Max came running out a room looking panicked. He saw me and he's face creased up. "I'm not that bad am I?" I joked still in a lot of pain. I tried to pull my leg out from underneath me but failed. "Here" max grabbed me under my arms pulling me up. "thanks" I said out of breath. I was really tired now and just wanted a nice big comfy bed to sink in to. Liz came out of her bedroom running up and hugging me. "Hey" I smiled up at her. "You should be resting" she nagged already but smiling. "I don't care" I retorted sticking my tongue out. "Go. Now. Go" she disappeared into the kitchen. I rolled my eyes at her. Well so much for talking to her but she's okay which is good.

I turned to the stairs using the same strategy as last time but up. Lets hope this time it works. I only made it up six steps before having to sit down. My leg was killing and I couldn't get up any more steps without dying. I breathed heavily wishing I had never done this. I had a sudden pang of guilt. I know Blake shouldn't of done that but he had saved my life and he is a childhood friend that I have treated so badly. I needed to apologize just as soon as I get up these stairs. I just sat unaware that max was still there. I looked up and jumped. "How long have you been there?"

"I haven't left" he raised one brow. "Oh sorry" I felt my cheeks heating up. "Need some help?" he pointed towards the stairs.

"No...Yes" I gave in knowing I had no chance on my own. My face was heating up from a blush. It so embarrassing not even being able to walk up stairs. He came up and tried to lift me up on my feet but I cried out in pain. Whatever iv done its bad. Shooting pains ran up my leg. He placed me back down not wanting to hurt me more "Im gonna get Alpha Blake" max said. "No dont" I wanted to apologize to him first and make it right before he sees how stupid I am for not even walking up stairs. "Im sorry but you need him unless you want to spend the rest of the night on the stairs" I sighed and his eyes glazed over and I knew he was mind linking him.

Max walked of in the sound of his mother's voice waving a goodbye as I waited in embarrassment for Blake. I heard his heavy footsteps on the stairs and looked up pouting at him. He laughed gently his chest vibrating and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me up. I cried out in pain as my leg yet again moved. He quickly placed me down and looked at me worriedly. "Im so sorry Blake I was to worried about the one small thing that you did that I didn't realize how horrid I have been to you. We've been friends forever and always forgiven eachother so I dont know why I couldn't have just done it. I am so so so sorry" I blurted it all out looking at the floor. He placed his fingers under my chin and lifted my face bringing his down. He placed his soft lips on mine and it felt like heaven. He pulled away. "You can never be horrid to me and you shouldn't be sorry I shouldn't of pushed you like that ever" his eyes held saddness and truth as well as love. I hugged him in the tightest hug I could muster until my leg ached again. "Right lets get this leg sorted, I'm gonna lift you up quickly just to get it over with then take you to our bedroom and have the doc look at it okay?".
"Sounds like a plan" I smiled even though I know how much it will hurt. He placed one arm in the crook of my leg and one behind my back lifting me up bridal style. I grabbed his t-shirt and stuffed my head by his chest trying to not think of the pain. Once we were both comfortable he started up the stairs.

He's arms were so comfy and it felt right to be in them. I fell asleep soon after still in his arms still not at the bedroom. Trying to walk had really tired me out. Who knew it could be such hard work. I drifted of into a dreamless state.

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