Chapter 10

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I woke up on the sofa and remembered not quite making it up to the bedroom before collapsing onto the sofa from exhaustion. I walked into the kitchen to see a fight going on in the back garden. Kyle and George to 18 year olds from the pack were punching and kicking eachother. I walked over. "Guys stop".
"Guys stop fighting please". Now that's just plain rude to be ignored twice. Blake wouldn't of been. I took a deep breath and shouted using the strongest voice I could muster. "Stop fighting NOW!" Both boys stopped and stared at me "Sorry Luna" they muttered. "Get to the office now and carry on with training you lot" I walked with the boys behind me. I reached Blake's office and knocked politely on the door. "Come in" blakes voice rang out. I opened the door and let both boys in. "Fighting instead of training" I said to Blake he nodded his head and I walked of shutting the door behind me. The irration of the heat was still there and as Blake said was getting worse. I started helping the little kids with there homework and went through it all with them. The heat got worse and I was almost pulling out my hair it was so annoying. All I could think about was Blake.


I could sense Miya's irratation coming off of her a mile away. And I knew why. We had not mated yet and the heat was only going to get worse until we do. I had finished with the two boys that were fighting and had been doing alpha stuff all day. It was already dark and the kids had gone to bed along with a few of the older people of the pack. I found miya talking to Liz on the third floor and as soon as Liz had walked away I pushed miya into our room locking the door as I did so. "Iv missed you so much" I whispered in her ear. "Iv missed you to" she kisses me. I turn away to turn on the light.


Blake turned away to turn on the light and as soon as he did his handsome face came into view. He walked up to me grabbing my waist and pulling me in for a kiss. He pushed me down on the bed and started kissing my collor bone, up to my neck and everywhere but my lips teasing me as he did so. I grabbed the back of his head crashing my lips on his. He pulled my top of and slipped of my jeans and shoes. He kissed my arms up to my neck all the way round my face finally landing on my lips. I pulled his top of only breaking the kiss for two seconds. He pulled down he's trousers. We sat there kissing in our undies with not a care in the world. He moved his mouth down to my between my neck and shoulder and bit hard his cannines sinking in. He pulled out licking it his eyes full of lust. I stood up and went to the mirror to see a full moon with his and my wolf as my mark. "Its beautiful" I breathed. I walked back to him his eyes lingering on my mark. I sat on him and started kissing him again. Then he did what iv been waiting for. What we both had been waiting for he made sweet love to me all night. We had finally and fully mated.

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