Chapter 16

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Miya's pov

I woke up, my head was pounding and my body was sore. Slowly the other days events came back to me.


I sat in the room next to the hall where I was about to get married. I was shaking with nerves. I love him with all my heart but I was about to give up my freedom as well but I would and am for him. I heard the girls scream from outside. "Liz, Sophie girls what's going?" no reply came. As I went to open the door  it opened for me. A tall thin stalky women walked in. She had big fluffy curly hair and bright green eyes."Mom?" she nodded her head. "Mom what happend? Where did you go? Why are you here?" my eyes had tears in them. I thought she was dead but she wasn't and now I can see her again after three years. "Im just going to put it straight, I hate you, you ruined my life and I wished I never had you and I need plus want to kill you but I'm not aloud to quite kill you fully that's up to Xavier. Oh and if you don't know Xavier is the black wolf" she laughed. Extended her Kannines and claws. She lunged at me and I jumped at the last second and she smacked against the wall. This only made her furious. She lunged again, grabbing my throat and smashing me against the wall. She sunk her claws into my throat while choking me at the same time. I kicked her away and fell to the ground gasping for air. I ran towards the door as she grabbed my hair smashing my head against the glass and it broke into peices around me. She grabbed a peice of glass and sunk it into my leg. I screamed in pain. I grabbed her twisting her around and threw her up the door and onto the floor. She got up ran at me slashing my belly with three of her claws. That was it. I couldn't go on. My vision went blurry and I stumbled around suddenly unable to carry my weight and the baby's. I collapsed on the floor heaving for breath. She stalked over smiling at me "As I said I hate you and that filthy little thing that you made" she kicked my head and everything went black.

*end of flashback

I had hate coursing through my veins for my mother now. In fact she is no longer my mother just a rouge I intend to kill. How dare she hurt my child, how dare she hate what she does not know and if she ever comes near my child born or not again I will kill the thing most precious to her and see what she thinks. How dare she even think about hurting MY child but then to actually DO IT! I punched a wall I had stood up by and watched it crumble under my hand. It cracked the entire wall and soon other pieces were crumbling down, the whole wall went and a layer of dust swept up around the room. The doc came rushing in but all I could see is red. "Where is the Alpha? Tell me NOW!" I held him up one of the standing walls crushing his neck slightly. "If we're going to kill this fucking ROUGE I need the Alpha. TELL ME!" I screamed in his face and he flinched away. "Miya! Stop it NOW!" I felt arms around my waist and he pulled me away from the doctor. He pulled the doctor to his feet and thankfully he was fine. I stood up slowly shaking my head I cannot believe what I had just done. I looked over to the wall and the doc and a wave of emotion washed over me. "I am so sorry I didn't mean anything to happen like that I was just mad because they tried to hurt my child!" my eyes turned black at the last bit. "Its fine luna the wall will be rebuilt easily and I am not dead or harmed so it is fine just make sure both luna and little alpha are fine its a beautiful girl you have there" I gasped "Its a girl" he laughed and nodded his head. "There were two, twins, but one died in the attack of this rouge?" two, two twin girls! "Yes it was my mother, iv just found out she hates me and the baby" I turned to Blake to see his eyes black. He walked forward grabbed my hand and walked off pulling me with him without a word. We got to our bedroom and he sat down on the little couch in the corner, his hands on his head resting on his knees. "I couldn't protect you and then I find out its your mother?" I sat down next to him pulling him back half cradling him. "Its okay I'm safe now" I kissed him lightly. "Tell me what happend" he looked up his eyes back to there bright green. I told him everything and he listened to it carefully. Once I had finished I looked down to see him deep in thought. "We're going to keep you safe in here and all the fighters are going with me and we're going to kill the black wolf and that rouge" I shook my head. "No your going to train me and I'm coming with you because I'm the white wolf" We had a long discussion, cough, I mean argument and finally he gave up and agreed to help me. Mainly because I said I would fight anyway with or without his help it just means I'd be more likely to die. We have a plan and we are going to kill them the rouges, my mother, the black wolf. We are going to kill them all!

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