Chapter 26

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I quickly pack my things in the suitcase,whatever I can find suitable to wear with my shoes and uniform along.Jones told me we had to pack now to be there on time by road.We could've had a flight too but it wasn't the time to book one.I keep my passport just in case.

I need to catch up a taxi and reach the headquarters,we would be going in black jeeps,let alone the sitting arrangememt.Alex,Jones,Grace and even Ginger will be in the same car as me.I couldn't help it but to agree Ginger coming in after what she did,the cars were already assigned and five people had to be in it.

There's this thought that disturbs me.
What if Mike's threatening is right?

I would have to be on my lookout if he's going to be around.I grab my suitcase,ignoring the pain I'm still going through and make my way outside.I walk out.To my surprise,I see Jones standing outside leaning against his car,a smile on his face.A driver sits at the front seat,whom I don't recognise.
"Jones? But..," I say stunned as he comes and kisses me quickly.
"Come on,hurry up,we need to get going," he says grabbing my suitcase and handing it to the driver,who puts it in the car's trunk.I only manage to smile and shake my head.He is so unexpected.
I lock my house as we both walk towards his car.We both get in and the driver takes off.
"Will you be 'really' okay with the long drive ahead and all? I told you not to go but as always you..."
"Disagreed?," I say including in.
"Exactly," he says,playfully nodding his head.
"I'm fine," I smile.
"I worry a lot for you," he says,placing his hand on mine.
"Don't worry,I'm really fine," I say reasurringly.
We drive onto the cool night as we reach the headquarters much more quickly than I had realised.

We both take our luggage and walk onwards.I notice a big basket in his hand and wonder what's inside and whose it for.
"Let's go to the backside,"Jones says.
"There is a backside too? How come I never knew?"
He laughs,"maybe you didn't look far enough."
"So it's gonna be a long ride for us?," I ask him again.
"Yeah..maybe three hours,we'll be there by midnight or before since it's nine already but don't worry I'll be there to accompany you."
"Ginger's coming in our car then? ", I ask irritated as we make our way to the back exit of the headquarters.
"Look,I know you and Ginger don't get along at all but you'll have to manage somehow.We can change seats,she'll be at the back and you can come in the front with me."
"That will do," I say with relief as Jones laughs back at me.
"What? " I ask laughing,but he only shakes his head.
We enter into the big garage.Eight black jeeps are ready with a black lamboni,probably of the Chief's parked neatly at the front.We were supposed to be in our uniform dresses.They're comfortable and navy blue in colour with the initials GPD at the left top corner,imprinted on it.The half-sleeved dress settles just below the knees.

The male officers of course had to wear the same collared shirts with ties,pants and ranger boots that they wear everyday.Women get to have a leverage.
I see Mike in the distance.His hair shines brightly in the night.Even with his bad reputation he is good looking,but then,that doesn't matter at all.His looks don't imploy.What he's done with me can't be called ordinary and I hate him for that.He looks in my direction as I dart my eyes away from him,heading over to where Alex and Grace are.
I give Grace a big hug as I approach her,which causes a little pain run down my back.
I ignore it.
"You could've told us already Susan," she says,winking.
"About what?," I ask confused.
"How come you never told me atleast,that you and Jones are together now," she complains.
I laugh,"I was about to,I mean it's been only a couple of days and I didn't get the time so.."
"It's okay really,me and Grace already knew this was gonna happen,you two are made to be with each other," Alex says,giving me a thumbs up.
Jones puts his arm around my shoulder and pulls me towards him.
"Are you feeling better Susan? You gave us quite a fright and we became worried for you.Fine,if I wouldn't have called you,you wouldn't have told me anything about your health," Grace says complaining.
"Sorry,"I say playfully.
She punches me playfully on the shoulder.
"No problem,sis!," she says as she laughs.

We head to the Chief and all the other officers that are starting to line up.The Chief's uniform is perfectly prim and ironed.I wonder if he really does change his uniform clothes into normal ones.Maybe he sleeps in them too.Poor wife of his,she must be very tired of him if this happens so.I try to hide the smile that forms all of a sudden.Jones notices and gives me a little pat at the back.I straighten up and attentively listen to what the Chief says.
Me and my mischieviousness at times.
"Alright everyone,you know what we have to do,tomorrow we will be giving the gypsies a little surprise of what they've been lacking for the past few days.We will be moving onto Chicago and Washington D.C.,after Los Angeles,so be on guard,you many now get into your assigned cars," he says.
Jones motions us towards the first jeep right after the Chief's car.We put our luggage inside the car's trunk.I notice Ginger right beside awfully quiet and quite bored,settling at the backseat with Alex and Grace.

What's up with her?

I go to the front seat while Jones settles in the driver's seat.He starts the engine and hands me the basket he was carrying as he whispers.
"For you,open it a little while later,you might need it."
I smile looking curiously at it and put the basket down,shifting my legs aside as I make room for it.He has brought it for me but what is inside?
"All ready?," Jones asks loudly.
"Yeah!! " we all yell with enthusiasm as we take off and drive onto the night ahead of us.

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