Chapter 17

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I drive incredibly fast but all he does is catch up again and again.As I drive,I see a signal turning yellow about to turn red.I increase my speed level dangerously to ninety and head past just in time.The cars from the other side come in all of a sudden just as I make my way through.

I look at my rearview mirror again and see Mike out of sight,jamming at the steering wheel just as I leave him.I took Alex's and Grace's house addresses during working hours.I find my notepad in the dashboard and sigh in relief.To be on the safe point it would be good going to Grace's place and telling her everything about Mike for starters.

Adreline still courses through me and my heart beats rapidly.I quickly dial the Chief's number and tell him about the body I saw.
"Chief..please send the police ambulance to pick up the body for autopsy."
"Did you find something out?"
"Anton Levin was the father of Irina,both of them are dead now,all of this leads to M-estate,I don't know maybe it links to someone over there," I say taking a sharp turn to the left.

18th Voinsville,where are you?

"Alright,the rest,you'll have to contact Jones and deal with the case onwards,"he says dropping the line.

16th..17..18th,got it!

I park my car outside the house and head towards the door to knock.It really is beautiful.Bronze coloured door with a baige painted house.
The door opens revealing a middle aged woman with brown hair.
"Mrs.Starling?,"I ask.
"Why yes."
"I'm Grace's colleague,Is she home?"
"Ohh you must be Susan,my,you really are a pretty thing aren't you,I'm afraid no,she just went over to a friend of hers," she says,a wide smile playing on her lips.
The mother and daughter resemble each other a lot well except for the hair.
I smile slightly and try my best not to let her notice that I look dishevealed or bruised,other than looking pretty.
"Uh..could you tell me which friend's house she went to," I ask
She rubs her finger to and fro on her forehead,trying to remember the name.
"What was his name again..ah..Alex."
"Thank you so much Mrs.Starling,hope to see you soon!"
"Goodbye honey!"
She smiles blissfully before closing the door while I rush towards my car.
Right,to Alex's place.

5th Street,Adamsville.

I look for the house according to the number.I need to tell Alex and Grace what's happening.Maybe they might help.I park my car outside Alex's house and hurry inside.Just as I'm about to knock,the door already opens.Why is the door unlocked at this time of the night?
The living room at the main is empty.The house is really well furnished as I walk through.

No answer.

A big staircase leads to the upper storey.I climb the stairs and look around,watching every step that I take.

Where is everyone?

I suddenly hear voices and make my way up quickly but turn around all of a sudden.They could've taken it somewhere else.
"Oh Susan! we didn't see you there,"Grace says startled.
Alex laughs.
"You can look back Susan,its natural."

Easy for you to say! It's not natural to find two people half naked on a couch!

"I'm really sorry guys,I had to tell you some urgent news,two actually,I'm really happy you both sorted everything out though."
I settle onto the couch beside Grace while Alex sits across.
"Thanks but what's wrong?," Alex asks looking at me.
"I went over to the place where Irina was held,found some clues and another dead body,Anton Levin's.He seems to be Irina's father,we just need the DNA results and it all somehow leads to M-estates."
They both just look at me and stay stunned at what they've heard until Grace speaks up.
"The M-estates belong to Marconi."
"Marconi?," I ask questioningly.
"Yeah,he's a corrupt businessman but we've never had proof against him if he really is corrupt ,though,I think he is," Alex says.
"The second thing?," Grace asks.
I take a deep breath.
"Hey everyone!"
We turn around.Jones stands in front of us with a smile on his face.
"I'll tell you later," I quickly whisper to Grace.
Jones jams fists with Alex as his gaze crosses with mine.Butterflies soar up in my stomach and I don't know if it's because of seeing him or because of the moment we shared that day.
He smiles.
We quickly fill him in with all the details.
"Wait..I do know where Marconi lives,I know that bastard got's something to do with this.He can play dirty."
"We need to capture him as soon as possible," I say.
Jones nods.
"I'm coming back tomorrow,to the headquarters and the first thing we're doing is going to his place."
Alex gets up.
"Let me get some refreshments from the kitchen,I'll be right back."
Jones looks at me and then towards Grace.
"So...Grace,it seems things went off well with you and Alex."
She laughs.
"Of course they had to,if two people love each other,what's gonna come in their way?," she says raising an eyebrow at me.I look at her with an alarming expression.

What? Grace I swear I'll kill you if you say anything!

She can't hear me anyway.That's my mind you know.
Alex comes back with sodas.We talk and laugh.That's exactly how the night wears on and I almost forget my encounter with Mike.I check the time and it's already past midnight.
"It's getting late.I should probably head back now," I say getting up slowly.
"Yeah,sure," Alex says.
Grace hugs me and Jones gets up alongside me.
"I'll walk you to the door," he says.
I nod and we walk down the staircase.
"You've been very quiet lately,is everything alright?"
"I like listening to others," I say trying to reassure him.
"If the case is bothering you,we'll figure it out,don't worry," he says.
I nod and step out into the cool night.The moon shines brightly as a soft breeze blows.
He stands in the doorway,hands in his jeans' pockets.He stares at me with the blue eyes of his that shine brightly in the moonlit night.Everything looks so peaceful,it seems as if time just stops,leaving me and Jones alone.

He slowly but uncertainly comes towards me and ruffles my hair.When he touches me,it feels as if electricity courses through me.All I want to do is stay with him like this,even if it lasts for the whole night.
"You're the most intelligent,beautiful woman I've ever met," he says softly.
"You've started making assumptions about me?," I ask with a smile.
He gently kisses my forehead and leans his head on mine.
"I believe what I see."
I close my eyes.It's beautiful.Everything's beautiful.
I look up at him.He gently cups my face in his hands.
"When I said I'd protect you,I meant it.You mean so much to me..," he says,almost in a whisper and slowly kisses me.
A feeling so real and exciting overwhelms me.The warmth I feel with his lips on mine,the strong muscular arms that hold me,the sweetness of the moment,everything makes me ache with happiness.
We pull away slowly and I can't help hiding the silly smile on my face.He rubs his finger along my temple and observes my cut at the side.
"How did you get this?"
"Little accidents occur in life,"I say shrugging.
He smiles.
"Drive carefully,I don't trust that car of yours."
"Don't hate the car," I say laughing slightly.

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