Chapter 3

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I stand beside other new officers joining today.Many of them are already sitting in the conference room,on their fixed seats.Being in such a crowd makes me feel anxious.I'd prefer to be in a quiet little corner all by myself than be here.I'm more of an introvert person so being quiet is one of my qualities,though, I think I'll have to change that while I'm around here.The dress I wear makes me more uncomfortable and I struggle with standing straight,can't wait for the Chief to give me my uniform.

The Chief starts off by a welcoming speech before introducing us individually to the enormous audience. I become nervous all of a sudden.I hope I don't do anything silly.
"Now I'd like you all to meet Officer Susan Waterloo."
I snap out of my reverie and walk as gracefully as I can towards the Chief.Smile Susan.I let out a big grin to show I'm doing great although every nerve in my body is at its hinge.He hands me my uniform and places my name badge on my dress.With that done,I thank the Chief and go to my assigned seat to sit.
Wow.I didn't notice that I was the last officer  and that everyone had already been introduced.I shrug the thought away.oh well.
"Each day,each week,each month and each year many incidents are taking place in the city,spreading vaguely across the whole country;Our foremost duty is to protect our people with our lives,defeating the tyrant gypsies that we're facing as a big threat.Their growth is haunting people with terror and we need to finish that.I hope our fellow officers joining today will do what they can to their utmost." says the Chief addressing and stepping down the dais.

The sound of clapping echoes in the room just as the Chief finishes.Right after that,everyone gets up from their places and return to their offices.I've been assigned to my office already,maybe I'll quickly go and change my clothes finding a changing room nearby.I've just made a little headway when the I hear the Chief calling out my name.
"Miss Waterloo!"
I jerk my head back all of a sudden and look in his direction.Be calm,what's wrong with you?!
Instead of looking at the Chief,my gaze fixes on someone else beside him.

                                                  .  .  .  .

My heart starts pounding in my chest.Beside the Chief, is a very handsome man,maybe a year or two older than me.He has brilliant black hair settled with gel with an ivory complexion,just like mine.His body is muscular and its as if I can see his pectorals through the uniform shirt he's wearing.He stands cooly with his hands in his pockets.Just looking at him makes me stand bluntly not even moving an inch.All I can do is stare at him.

I hear a distant voice calling out to me again and this time I snap out of my imagination all of a sudden.
"Miss Waterloo,can you hear me?!" the  Chief says at the top of his lungs.
" yes,I'll be there in a second," I reply,stammering with words.
God Susan, you're gonna make a fool of yourself infront of them!
As I come near,I notice he has incredibly handsome and ravishing features.Eyes a colour so dreamy blue that it makes you want to stare into all the time and face so beautiful that it makes you breathless.I try regaining myself.What's happening?!

I stand as properly as I can and smile at him,as he returns the gesture.
"Susan,I'd like you to meet my best and most trusted Detective,Jones Wither," the Chief says exclaiming.
Ohh,so he's the one who has his office next to the Chief's.
He moves his hand forward smiling.I shake it.I feel as if electricity just coursed through me and left within me as he draws it away.
"Nice meeting you," he says cooly.
"The feeling's mutual," I manage to say in return.
"And Jones I suppose you already know her," the Chief says encountering me.
" Of course,its going to be a pleasure working with Officer Susan," he says nodding in my direction.
The Chief nods his head and turns towards me.
"Miss Waterloo, I know you've just joined here but duties are foremost, therefore you'll be working with Detective Jones and as the first step,you need to practice hand to hand combat  with him,leading on to your case solving and promotion to ranks."
"Yes sir," I say in return.
The Chief looks at me approvingly.
"Just what I wanted to hear,good luck!"
With that they both walk past me.I head to my office.Right,so now Jones will be working with me,more like,I'll be working with him.It will be overwhelming but I have to stay cool.I haven't felt this way and this has never happened.I enter my brightly lit,airy office and settle down at my desk.

Changing right now is out of the question assuming I have to go to my combat with him.
My mind drifted off to somewhere else and butterflies curled up in my stomach when I saw him.I need to clear my head now and head over to the training room.Its best I don't get late for my very own training.

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