Chapter 22

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I get up and yawn.It's a big day for me.I'm having my 21st birthday today.I jump up from bed and freshen up.Even if it's my birthday,it's also a workday.I quickly change my uniform and after having a sandwich head out.I close the door behind me and stop on Shepherd's grave to meet him.
I sit down and prick some flowers putting on his grave.
"Hey there little guy."

I smile a little as a tear escapes my eye.It hurts a lot.Seeing him like this reminds me of my parents' death.I take a deep breath and close my eyes.I want to kill Mike.I want to take revenge for what he did to my pet.

I drive on and reach the headquarters.Officers on duty walk here and there,some running to the Chief's office while others drink coffee and do their work.I head towards my office and stop as I enter.There is a pink box on my desk with a note on top.

A delicious treat for a beautiful girl.

What in the name is that and who kept it there?
Just as I'm about to open it,Alex and Grace jump up,from under the table.
"AAHH!"I yell,grasping my heart dramatically.
They start laughing.
"Surprise! surprise! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUSAN!!," they exclaim loudly.
"Be quiet! keep it low!" I say laughing.
"Why quiet? It's your birthday!",Alex shouts.
"How did you both even?..."
They both look each other and shake their heads.
"What kind of friends do you think we are? Of course we can take some information out but well atleast we knew it was your birthday," Grace says.
I laugh and hug them.
"Thank you so much,both of you."
"We're sorry Jones couldn't come,he had to go somewhere," Alex says.
"Oh..," I say.
I feel disappointed and sad.Maybe he really did forget my birthday.Well,atleast my friends cared enough for me to be here.
They both take out two gift boxes from behind and hand them over to me.
"Come on,open them up!"
One by one,I open the presents they brought for me.Grace gifts me a beautiful bronze bracelet with little ornaments that hang on it.Alex gifts me an earbug device through which I could receive important signals or messages when on a mission or fighting.
I look at them in awe.
"You shouldn't have..I love them..",I say almost quietly.
They both smile and Grace hurdles me over,we sit down on the sofa at the side.Alex holds the pink box and places it infront of me.
He opens it and a waffle cake appears before me with a prefectly set knife close behind.
"Let's cut the cake come on."
I hold the tears of happiness back and cut it.

We enjoy the cake as time wavers on.Everything seems so pleasant at the moment.After some time,Grace and Alex leave.
The working hours are tough and I see no sign of Jones.It's six already,in the evening.I get up and make my way to his office.Maybe that'll help settle my mind.

I enter and find the office dark.Turning the light on,I walk in.The seat is empty which makes me feel hollow inside.I feel sad and walk around his desk,finding nothing but files,stationery,laptop and stuff.His office is bigger than mine and much more fancy but what's the use if the owner isn't there.
I sigh and walk out slightly,seeing Ginger coming this way.I step back inside quietly.If I go out she'll be suspicious and oppose me of something.I quickly run towards his desk and hide under it.I feel her enter,sighing.
"Even a day without you is boring,I promise we'll be together before the witch gets her hands on you."


I control myself and stay quiet.
"Don't worry,I've got a surprise for her when we'll go out on missions to other cities,you just wait and see," she says laughing and walks out.
All of this makes my head spin and I become dizzy all at once.I shouldn't have come to his office,this only gets more worse.Since the day I came to this stupid department everything's going wrong.I sigh going out of his office.
I'll confess my feelings for him.I can't control this any longer.All of this makes me angry too.
What's wrong with me?

                                                   .  .  .  .

After a fifteen minutes drive or so I reach my house.I walk my way and open the door to my house finding it already heartbeat quickens.

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