Chapter 18

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I enter the lab and the first thing I see is two bodies,covered with white sheets,lying on separate strollers.I feel sad and broken for them.The same thing,families have to suffer.I take the cloth off their faces slowly.
"You wouldn't want to look at the father and daughter like that."

So they actually were related..I was right.

I turn around and find Nathan coming towards Anton's body.
"Aren't their wounds cleaned yet?"
He sighs.
"They're in such a state..I don't even know how to know like strangled?"
"Oh," I say with my face sickening.
"Yeah,anyway Jones was looking for you."
"Really? okay,I'll see to it."

I walk out of the lab and go toward's Jones' office.Without knocking,I enter inside finding Ginger standing in front of him.Her arms around his head while she flirts with him.He just stands there,clearly immoveable and quickly pushes Ginger away.
"What are yo-"
His gaze quickly fixes on me and Ginger turns around startled.
I feel hurt.

What was I thinking?

Just looking at Ginger makes me angry and I want to rip her hair off.
"'s not what you think it is," he says.
"We had to go and question Marconi..I'll be waiting outside when you're ready..," I say going out.
Many girls are after him.He's rich,incredibly handsome and girls in his life are an ordinary thing.Maybe I'm just an ordinary girl for him too.
Ugh..what was I thinking?!

I walk towards the entrance of the building.I hear him rushing out and he grabs me by my arm.
"'s not what you think it is."
"I didn't say I was thinking about anything Jones,we'll talk later..after questioning Marconi," I say.
He nods understanding.
"We'll be going in a club,we need to change."
"Is it necessary?"
"Yeah,by the way your birthday's on the 17th right?"
I look up curiously at him.
In all of this hurdle I almost forgot my birthday was only some days away.
He shrugs.
"Nothing special,I keep a record of birthdays," he says.
"Well..," he takes out a piece of paper from his pocket and hands it to me,"..this is my address,go home,change and come directly over my place,in half an hour."
I take the piece of paper and shove it in my pocket.
"Okay,"I say.
We both head our separate ways.This dressing part is what I hate.
I sigh.
                                                     .  .  .  .

Reaching my house quickly I check the time first.

7:30 p.m.

I have to be there till 8 then.
I go through my clothes and find a navy blue coloured,strapless dress just above my knees.I apply a little makeup and make a low bun.I look at myself in the mirror.
I really do look something out of a fashion industry.
I get my phone and run out towards the car,quickly starting the engine and heading out to Jones' place.I drive fast and check into the place I'm heading.Hopefully,I'll find his house on time.

78th Street Manorford.

Found it!
My car lines up infront of a huge black,see-through gate.A guard comes in my direction.I pull my window down.
"Is this Mr.Wither's house?"
"Yes ma'am,you must be the gates!," he yells to the guards inside.
I nod and take my car through the lane that's clear.
I look around while driving in.It's huge and at the side lamposts stand,with a big lawn spread across to the left.The house comes in view as I drive through.'s a dream house out of a fairytail.
Even by looking at it,you can see its lush decor from outside.The house is painted a mid-brown colour with light brown tints at the enormous roof.It's big and incredibly huge,spreading across the other end of the wall that guards his house fully.With my garden and house combined,only his bed-room would be of that size.The grandeur can be felt from all of this.

In front of me I see different cars lined after each other.
How does Jones even manage to live all alone here?
I park my car beside Jones' Maserati and walk out.I look at the cars in front of me in awe,as I walk.
He's got taste,no doubt.

A complete billionaire..but that isn't what concerns me.It's the person that matters,not his wealth.
"I hope you don't find the cars interesting than me."
I wistfully turn around.
I find him in a gray vest,a white dressing shirt beneathe with straight black pants that fit him perfectly,with a pair of black shiny shoes.His hair is as always perfectly done.He holds his black coat in his arm.The suit fits him brilliantly,the perfect height and muscular body reflects it as I stand taking in his beauty.

He doesn't look like a cop at all but a CEO of an important company.It doesn't look as If we've just dressed ourselves to meet Marconi,it looks as if we're going on a date or a party.
I stand with a blank expression in front of him.
"You look stunning,but there's just one thing missing," he says going around me.

With one swift motion,he takes the rubber band out of my hair,making them hang loose.His sudden gesture surprises me.
"Why did you open my hair?," I ask looking at him,a smile playing on my lips.
"I like it when your hair's open,oh and..," he takes out sunglasses from the pocket of his dressing shirt,"wear these,you'll need them,especially when the lights will reflect on your face,that is,if you wanna go out in style."
I look dubiously at him but obey.
He grins examining my face slowly.
"Perfect,let's go."

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