Chapter 2

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I take out a white short kneed dress.I will be getting my official uniform today.It will be a simple navy blue collared shirt with the GPD initials on them,the same navy blue coloured pants and black ranger boots.Other than this for visits to other cities on missions or for international meetings,a perfect day dress in blue is attired.

Everything in blue,The thought makes me agitated.Why too much blue when you've got all the colours in this world. I got the information already through mail.The rules,regulations,timings,shifts,everything is encrypted in my mind.I quickly dress up and leave my hair open applying a little swap of lip gloss.First impression is the last impression and I want to look as simple as possible.Dark bold shades and too much makeup are not my thing.

My car is here.It came early this morning at four, transferred from California. I quickly grab my things with my qualification file close behind.I take out a chocolate muffin and take a bite.I moan.The deliciousness is exquisite.I love the chocolate chip ones,especially the ones I make from Mom's recipe.Starting the engine of the car I head to my destination.

First day,first encounter.I just hope everything goes well and I reach on time.Luckily,the roads aren't blocked which makes it easier to go on.After what seems like an eternity,I find myself in front of a huge, beautiful building.I park the car in the parking lot and hurry out.
Alright Grimsborough,here I come.

                                                .  .  .  .

I enter the building and look around in admiration.It's huge and beautiful just as from the inside as well as  outside. Several officers are already busy in their work,bustling here and there.Many come in or go out, probably some of them have finished their night duties and are heading to their houses.

Still looking around I don't notice a woman coming in my way.By the time I realise its already late.She smacks against me,gladly I regain my balance.
"Sorry!" she exclaims apologetically.
Some files drop onto the floor she's carrying while I help her in picking them up.
"Its okay."
"Thanks,"she scowls at me.I wonder why she scowls.
She looks about my age, and has red hair tied in a ponytail with an olive complexion.She has green eyes.She's beautiful.
"You must be new,aren't you?" she asks.
"Yes,um I was wondering if you could tell me where Chief Samuel's office is," I ask politely.
"Sure,go on straight ahead and you'll find three corridors,turn left in the first hallway and you'll find him," she says with flickering movements.
I smile gratefully.
"Thanks! Anyway I'm Susan, Susan Waterloo."
"Nice to meet you Susan, I'm Grace and I have a feeling we'll be really good friends and colleagues," she says with a big warm smile.
I can only smile in return.She was certainly sweet.So far so good.

We part ways and following Grace's instructions,I make my way to the Chief's office.At the side of his office door is written, 'Chief Samuel King' in golden plated words.Beside his office is another one.I look up and read the text 'Detective. Jones Wither'.Must be another officer.I shrug and take a deep breath before knocking the Chief's door.

"Come in," says a firm voice from inside.
I walk in and with a warm smile greet him
"Good morning sir," I say.
He scowls at me.I'm suddenly insecure about my looks.
"Ah,Miss Waterloo, please have a seat."
He is a man of probably sixty,wrinkles on the forehead with a very grim expression,the same complexion as mine,with gray hair.He has a moustache.Oh.I take a seat infront of him,giving him my file as he takes it and examines it.

He nods his head looking through it.
"No doubt,a very young graduate of the International Civil Services.I hope you prove your skills here with the same talent," he says,a serious expression on his face.
"Of course I will,I won't let you down Chief,and serve with utmost courage and determination towards my duties."

He smiles and nods.
"Very well,a conference is about to take place in ten minutes and you have to come along for your introduction,nevertheless,I forgot to ask,tea or coffee?"
"Coffee would be great!" I say with a smile.
"And oh yeah,you might have to change this dress into suitable attire for this building,you'll be provided with the uniform during the conference,you chose this dress for today,its clearly not suitab-,whatever." he says rubbing his hand uncomfortably on his forehead and gets up abruptly.
I'm supposed to get up with him but I'm struck with horror and glued to the seat.I feel my cheeks red hot.How can I be so stupid?!
"Are you coming or what?" I hear the Chief say.
",yeah-," I stutter.
I quickly gather my files and head out the door with him.

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