Chapter 19

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After a twenty minutes drive,we find ourselves in front of a big and fancy party,many women and men in their best clothes enter or go out.Wearing this dress to indulge with the people was a really good idea.First of all,I don't feel ease at parties of these kind,maybe this would be another experience after Bob's party scene.I just have to keep in mind that we're here to deal with Marconi in fancy clothes instead of uniform.

Brahms parks the car just outside the main entryway.Jones moves out of the car first and opens the door for me.Taking the arm that he offers me,we both walk inside the brightly lit musical club.
The hall is huge.There is a dance floor where music is being played by the DJ.People dance,line up on the bar or play 8 ball pool and cards.Some drink,some smoke.I take off the sunglasses I was wearing.Jones was right,there's too much light here,directly reflecting the eyes.
"We need to find Marconi,I told him we were going to meet him and he called us here,let's go and search," Jones says looking around.

We make our way through the crowded area and come to a much quieter place.I see a middle aged man,smoking,with four ladies cooing around him as they laugh and muster.Judging by the playboy idea I got about Marconi from Jones,I feel it's him.

"Is that Marconi?"
Jones turns around and nods.Marconi notices us and laughs loudly.
"Well,look who it is.Ladies please excuse me,I'll join you in a minute," he says to them,getting up from the place and coming towards us.
"Make it quick," he says looking around.
Jones sits down on another couch.I take my seat beside him,with Marconi sitting across.
"We're here to ask you a few questions," Jones says.
"What questions?," Marconi asks in anguish.
"We know you were involved with the murder and torture of Irina Levin.Another body was found,I suppose..Antonio Levin?" Jones says slightly pausing probably making the scene more dramatic and intriguing.

Marconi's face hardens and he abruptly speaks up.
"You don't have any proof against me and not even a damn thing that you can turn on me.So what if I was involved in gambling,you got a problem?"
Jones becomes angry all of a sudden and jams his fist on the table in front of us.Some people look our way.
"You can say what you want but I'll as hell prove it.It'll be proved that you've been involved with the murder of both father and daughter.Anton was a businessman,something went wrong that you did all of this."
Marconi becomes a bit pale and suddenly darts his eyes towards me,grinning.

So,he's trying to avoid Jones.

"What a beautiful lady! You,my dear have been really quiet,too bad you're opposing me with this case in your hands."
I straighten up and quirk an eyebrow keeping a stern expression on my face.
"It's none of your business if I stay quiet or speak,I'm determined in finding the killer and I'll do whatever it takes."
Jones eyes Marconi suspiciously and looks at me briefly before turning  away.
With Marconi staring at me,it makes me uncomfortable.

What the heck is wrong with every bad guy that they keep on looking at me?

He seems to get angry but instantly calms down,still grinning slyly.
"Poor crappy profession of attractive woman like you ought to be here with me..why not my place tomorrow? At eight?"

What a flirt and look who's he flirting with anyway,I might as well get him behind the bars on the reason of assaultation.

Before I can even reply,Jones roughly grips Marconi by his shirt and whispers through gritted teeth.
"What the hell did you-?"
People around become excited to see a fight about to go off.I get up to calm Jones down.Marconi does deserve a punch right now though.
Marconi looks terrified but puts on a brave face.
"Did I say something wrong?," he asks smiling.
Jones punches him hard on the face.Marconi stumbles to the floor.
"Don't you ever dare to look at her again!," he yells.
"Jones just take the fingerprint,you can kill him later when he gets behind the bars,let's go!," I say trying to make him move.Marconi looks stunned at what he heard.

Of course,I'm with Jones in giving him a good beating.

Jones unwillingly takes the sample of Marconi's fingerprint on the plastic sheet he has in his pocket.Just as the sample's taken we make our way out,through the stunned crowd of people watching at us.
We walk outside to some place private,where there's no one.He starts pacing angrily.
"Jones..please..calm down!," I say trying to soothe him.
"That stupid misfit's gonna get something he wouldn't have ever dreamed of,this whole case is just garbage."
"Not if we do it together."
He stops in front of me.
"Did you even see how he was looking at you? That bastard was looking at your-," he says, abruptly looking away.

What? Looking at my what?! Oh..

The thought of it makes me flush with embarrassment but I stay calm as if it had no effect on me.

He was looking at my curves? butt? the heck.

"Jones,I had to come anyhow,the man's a criminal,the case has nothing to do with it."
He shakes his head.
"Darn the case! You're too innocent..the idiot knows you now,he could do something..I saw the dirt in his eyes,that bastard's better off finished now," he says taking a gun out of his coat's pocket.
I step into his way.

"No Jones,calm down..come on..take a deep breath."
I take the gun away from his hand.
"Now," I say.
He nods unwillingly and does just as I tell him to do.
He opens his eyes and seems much calmer now.
"I won't rest until Marconi's behind the bars," he says.
"We'll catch him,don't worry.You want to head home or the office?"
He sighs shaking his head.
"We're going somewhere else."

                                                     .  .  .  .

We get inside the car.Brahms wait for us as we settle in and takes off towards the road.
"I'm gonna take you to a place to eat,a restaurant,to make it up to you."
"But why?," I ask.
He sighs.
"What you saw earlier..Ginger and..," he says trailing off.
"It's don't need to.Maybe she has feelings for you..," I say looking away.
"Susan...I care about you..not Ginger.If she has feelings,she'll have to remove them.Ginger's nothing been more than a friend to me", Jones says softly.
I nod looking down.
He puts his hand on mine and squeezes it reassuringly.
"You must've seen that I was guarded,I didn't do anything.."
I look up at him.
"Jones,I trust you."
"Perhaps," he says a small smile forming on his face,"I know you're hungry,let's get something to eat."
I shake my head laughing.
"Alright but no fancy restaurant only a simple fast food corner."
"Done,we'll have pizza then,comfortably in the car."
"That'll be great," I say smiling.

Jones directs Brahms to a pizza hub.We order and enjoy pizza inside the car.I offer Brahms too.He looks surprised at the gesture and looks at Jones who nods.After all,the kind old man also deserves something to eat,it's really awkward for me to eat in front of a person who doesn't get a share.

The bill gets payed and we head back to Jones' place.I check the time on my phone and yup it's already midnight.We enter the gate to the house.The sight is of a kind that makes me speechless.The brightly lit lamposts at the front of lawn gives them a divine colour.What's more surprisisng is that there are benches to sit in the lawn.Colourful flowers blossom and a refreshing atmosphere circulates the area with the trees swaying to the breeze.
We get off the car and I make my way towards the lawn.I want to enjoy some time in the cool breeze.The wind blows my hair back and I smile closing my eyes.

It's so..peaceful.

"You look beautiful just by standing like that," I hear Jones say.
"Really? I find myself plain and ordinary," I say turning around to face him.
He takes a step towards me,close enough that I can see his dilute pupils shine.I really love his eyes.
"That's where you're wrong,you're the most extraordinary and above all the strongest woman I've met," he says settling my hair down.
I smile and tie my hair up.
"You're making a bun again?"
I laugh.
"I need to play safe,I have to head home now and it's late at night,probably best I keep my hair tied up."
He smiles and nudges me,"stubborn."
I laugh and head towards my car.
"You sure you'll go alone? I could come with you or send someone with you."
"It's perfectly fine,you don't need to take the trouble," I say,opening the door of it.
"Wait," he says taking off his coat and putting it around me,"wear this,it'll make you feel much more comfortable and warm,just imagine I'm there with you"
I smile and hug him.He takes me welcomingly in his embrace and it feels as if I'm at home.

So safe,so..perfect.

We pull apart and he leans his forehead against mine.
"See you tomorrow."
I get inside the car,waving at him one last time as I take off towards the road with his coat on me,it does feel as if he's here with me.

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