Chapter 23

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I drive and after a while,reach the headquarters. I take a deep breath and walk in. The same officers walk and bristle by but I feel different. A smile keeps on playing on my lips.Even if I try to rub it away,it doesn't go. Aunt Polly and Becky called in to say happy birthday to me just as Jones dropped me off. Butterflies stir in my stomach as I walk towards Jones' office. After what happened last night, everthing that we confessed really makes everything feel different. I feel nervous all of a sudden.
"Come in."
He smiles at the mere sight of me and gets up from his seat,taking me in his arms and kissing me. So,everything was real afterall, I wasn't imagining it.
He pulls back and smiles.
"Good morning darling."
I grin sheepishly and he looks at me with a questioning look.
"Well,darling looks something different you know."
He smiles and caresses my cheek.
"I'm afraid you're stuck with it."
"I know," I say with a smile.
He chuckles and kisses my forehead.
"You've got work to do,don't you?"
I nod.
"Yeah,I do."
"Alright,go on,we'll catch up later.Come to my house at nine today," he says.
"I'll be there," I say kissing him one last time before heading out.
I'll have to find a dress that goes perfectly with the night.

I walk joyantly forward and get astonished at seeing Ginger,running out of nowhere towards me in full speed. Before I can do anything, she punches me in the face making me stumble to the ground. I groan in pain.
"What the hell Ginger?!," I yell with my eyes wide.
She lunges at me with her long nails and I quickly dodge out of the way.
"Have you lost your mind?!," I yell backing away.
"You want his money,his wealth,you're nothing but a rat you bitch!"

That's it,she's gone too far.

She runs in coming at me again. I yank her and punch her hard on the face,making her fall to the floor. Officers come out of their offices and hold us off. The Chief and Jones come running out.
"WHAT'S GOING ON?," the Chief shouts furiously.
Jones looks at us clearly horrified at the sight he sees.
Ginger lying on the ground with some blood coming out of her nose and me standing on top of her.

Oh no..I hope they don't get the wrong idea..

"Who started this?," Jones asks looking from me towards Ginger.
Grace and Alex come running after and look at us,stunned. My hair is disheveled and knuckles red with the uniform crumpled.
"She started this!," Ginger yells all of a sudden.
"What? Me?No!..she's lying!," I exclaim trying to make them believe me.
"Both of you in my office now!," the Chief yells,"everyone go back on duty!"
Jones,Grace and Alex unwillingly walk away.
The crowd that's formed disperses off and we both walk into his office. I really feel like killing Ginger for good.
"Such manners are not acceptable in a workplace Miss.Waterloo!"
"But sir,I didn't-"
"You think I'm blind in not seeing you in what you did? I don't want to hear anything! You're suspended!"
"Do you want me to snatch away your promotion?"
I become quiet and look at Ginger from the corner of my eye,who snickers looking at me.

What is she? A charming doll?! He didn't even question her,why me then?!

"Dismissed!," he says.
I clench my fists and walk out.I can't take it and what's worse is that everyone thinks I started the fight,even Jones.I try not to break anything on the way or cry. Going home just as I came is the only option for me right now.

                                                    .  .  .  .

I lie on my bed,under the covers. The whole day just went by like this. Grace called in several times and I had to tell her I was okay.
What was I supposed to say anyway?
I can't believe the Chief was taking the side of the woman who caused the trouble in the first place. I feel angry at myself and at Ginger,the whole world maybe. Part of me doesn't care what happened,I was innocent and I know it. I get up from the bed and prepare a meal for myself.

Why should I stay hungry when the trouble causer's having the time of her life?

I cook the meal through and it almost gets ready. I look at the necklace I'm wearing and sigh. Thinking of Jones tings me with pain,What would he think of me?
All of a sudden I hear a knock at the door.
Who could be at eleven? In this time of the night?
I open the door abruptly.


I jump into his arms and hug him,he kisses me quickly.
"You okay?," he asks concerned.
"Yeah,come in."
"I smell something delicious."
I smile. Being with him removes all the tension away. I was wrong,he didn't make any assumptions about me. Why would he? I over think too much.
"You're right on time, chinese food awaits."
I motion him to sit down on one of the chairs of the dining table while I quickly get the meal off the stove.
As we eat he becomes grim and looks at me.
"What's wrong? Is something wrong with the food?," I ask.
"No,no the food's amazing,you're an excellent cook..I was thinking about what happened today."
I sigh looking at him.
"Jones...I didn't do anything in the first place,Ginger started everything and I couldn't resist myself from punching her after what she said," I say reasoning.
"I know sweetheart,but it's the suspension order that worries me actually."
"You know I'm innocent?..," I ask.
"Of course I do,I know my girlfriend's not naive enough to do that,plus I saw the CCTV recording. I showed it to the Chief too,he partly agreed that you weren't to blame until the part came where you punched Ginger."
"That's not fair! If he saw everyhting he should've clearly seen that Ginger's to blame too!"
"Her dad's a friend of his,they have personal relations. He wouldn't do anything to Ginger that affects her profession," he says irritantly.

What kind of a human being is the Chief anyway?

"What did she say?," he asks.
"She said that I..I'm using you..I want your money..and things like that," I say looking away.
He gets up from his seat and comes in front of me,sitting on one leg below me. He has a sad glimmer in his eyes.
"I'm so sorry..Susan I know you wouldn't..don't take her words seriously..I know you've never looked at money since the start and never would,whatever's mine is yours..I can't believe Ginger would say all this bullshit..,"he says trying to comfort me.
"Money isn't important for me Jones..I mean..I wouldn' can I? I love you for you..," I say trailing away.
He gets up and offers me his hand.
"Let's go to my house and fix that mood of yours."

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