Part Fifteen: What's The Point in Lying?

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You sit in pain as you stare up into the sky. Nothing you've tried is easing the sharpness in your leg. You look away from the sky when you hear the door close. "Gabriel, hurry up!" You call out to him.
He runs towards you and quickly whips out his phone. He calls his mother and tells her what happened. "Uh, mom, (Y/N) just got stabbed and I need your help— now!"
Gabriel looks down at your leg and he winces. "Oh, god..."
You shake your head and facepalm, just trying to cope with the pain. "Those stupid dolls," you say lowly.
Gabriel inhales. "I know... I-I'm sorry for letting this happen. I should've been watching."
You shake your head. "No, Gabe. It's fine... it's not your fault, at all."
He continues to stare at the wound intensely. But he stops looking when he hears the ambulance siren in the distance. He sighs. "They're here."
You look around at the 'scene' and just think, what are we going to tell them when they see all this? You turn your attention to Gabriel. "What are we going to tell them?"
He facepalms. "I don't know..." He then gets up and looks behind, where you can see the red, flashing lights from the ambulance. You then see Gabriel's mom open the gate and rush over to the backyard. She soon finds you two, and calls for some extra people to come with. Before you know it, you see men with stretchers coming in, and cops have arrived. Your heart starts to pound because of how nervous you are— what are you going to tell the cops? Oh, and your parents, worst of all!
     A few men lift you up and gently place you down on the stretcher. Gabriel's mom quickly walks over to you and asks if you're okay.
     "Yeah, I'm fine," you lie. It hurts a lot, but you choose to lie to make things less complicated. Gabriel's mom calls up your parents, and at that moment, you feel the butterflies in your stomach flutter fast. When they hear that their child just got stabbed, and they were at Gabriel's house... they're going to think he did it.
A couple minutes go by, and finally you hear the voices of your parents. They get louder as they come closer to the ambulance you're in. Next thing you see is your mom holding your hand and your dad with his hands gently on your leg. Both their faces are extremely worried, and your mom even has some tears in her eyes. "What happened?" You hear your dad ask.
The more and more people are talking to you, the worse your vision and hearing get. You don't know if it's because of blood loss, or just the stab wound itself, but you can barely hear what your dad just said. You sigh. "I got stabbed."
Their worrisome faces remain, but your mom's grip on your arm becomes stronger. "How'd you get stabbed, (Y/N)?" You can tell by her voice that she's trying to hold back tears.
     "You're not gonna believe me," you mumble. Why bother lying, anyway? They're probably not going to believe the truth.
     "(Y/N), tell us! We need to know what happened," you can hear your dad say. Your heart pounds fast. You can feel the pulse in your leg, and your hands, for some reason, begin to shake.
     You sigh. "It was the Buddi dolls." You don't even try to sound convincing at this point. Even if you sounded like you were telling the truth, nobody's going to believe you when you say that a doll just stabbed you.
     Your mother furrows her brows. "W-What?"
     You open your mouth as if you are about to say something, but nothing comes out. You close your eyes for a second and shrug it off. "I know you don't believe me, but they did!"
     Your father kneels on the ground to get to your level. "(Y/N), y-you can't be telling us that... these-these dolls stabbed you; it's nonsense."
     You look him in the eye seriously. "Dad; it's not nonsense. Gabriel's doll stabbed me in the leg when we weren't looking. A-And my doll tried attacking me, too! I swear. You can ask Gabriel."
     Your mother shakes her head and your dad facepalms. "Alright. Nicole, I'm gonna go... (sighs) out and check up on this 'story.'"
     She nods and crosses her arms. There's a pause. "(Y/N.)"
     You look up at her.
    "Just tell the truth, please!"
     You put your hands on the side of the stretcher and lift yourself up a bit. "Mom, I'm telling the truth, just believe me!" And at that moment, you start to feel your eyes water. You're eyes slightly blur from the tears, and you try to blink to make them go away. "Please, just listen to me! I know nobody is going to ever believe me, and I just want you to, please!"
     Your mother's face rests in confusion. She sighs, and taps her foot some. "You're 100%?"
     You nod.
     "Okay... but, it's going to be very hard to convince the cops that what you said actually happened."
     You look down in disappointment. You're emotions are just an awful mix of sadness, anger, frustration, and pain. At this rate, all you're hoping for is that the cops believe the story. Though, there's a mere chance of that actually happening.
     You look back up when you hear commotion. You then see somebody step into the frame, most likely a cop. But he isn't alone, as your mother is beside him. The cop looks at her with a "is this him" look, and then back to you. Oh boy, you think to yourself. You sigh, and wait for the moment you hope doesn't come true.

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