Part Six: Certain Vibrations

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     "(Y/N), I need to tell you something," you hear the voice of Buddy whisper. He's on top of you, gently shaking you to wake up.
     Slowly, you open your eyes and see Buddy, with his big eyes, bright in the dark.
     "(Y/N)." He repeats. "Wake up."
     "I'm awake," you tell him. "What's wrong?"
     Buddy looks around the room and back to you. He scoots closer to you and whispers, "I'm scared of that new doll."
     You furrow your brows. "What? Buddy, come on, I need to sleep."
     "No, I'm serious!" he insists.
     "Well, where is he?"
     Buddy pauses. "I don't know..."
     You sigh and turn to your side. "Buddy, I'm going to bed."
     That leaves Buddy speechless, and he decides to jump off the bed. You don't know where he's going or what he's up to, but you ignore it and fall asleep shortly after.

You wake up for real this time to the morning light seeping through the curtains. You sit up to stretch, and you notice that Gabriel has woken up as well.
"I smell eggs!" He cheers lightly.
You half smile, just realizing that Buddy said the same exact thing the other night. Buddy looks at you with a full smile, probably thinking about the eggs. You laugh it off, and the two of you— well, three of you— actually, the four of you walk down the stairs to get some good ole breakfast. Gabriel and you place the dolls on the couch and run towards the kitchen. As you enter, you get a full whiff of the delightful smell. And perfectly timed, the eggs, made by Gabriel's mom, are already done, served on plates ready to be eaten. You grab the plate and walk over to the living room with Gabriel. But the first thing you notice is Buddy, who is gone from the couch and now sitting on the floor. "Buddy, what are doing?" You ask him. His face looks worried sick.
"I'm not sitting anywhere near him!" He whines.
You look at Gabriel and shrug. "Come on," you say as you grab Buddy and sit on the couch with the rest of the gang.
"I don't know what his problem is," Gabriel's doll chimes in.
You raise your eyebrows and start to eat your scrambled eggs. You notice that the TV background noise is not enough to compensate for the silence between you two, so you start a conversation. "So, Gabriel."
"What'd you name your doll?"
"Oh, I named it Chucky, remember?"
You stammer. "Uh... n-no. I don't remember that, actually."
"Well, it's Chucky. And I can't believe how sweet these dolls are, right?"
Chucky turns around to Gabriel and gives him a sweet smile.
"Yep," You say. "They sure are sweet."
You feel a tug on your sleeve, and without a doubt you KNOW it's Buddy, again. "What is it?"
He sits quietly for a moment and finally speaks, "Chucky's not a sweet doll. I've been noticing some odd things; like certain vibrations. This doll is not like the others."
"What, 'cause I bought him on discount?" You suggest jokingly. "Buddy, just get used to him. He's like a brother; treat him like one."
Buddy's eyes widen and brighten as well. "(Y/N), this isn't a joke, I can sense it."
You shake your head and continue to eat. The four of you continue to converse and watch TV and eat, all at the same time. Soon, Gabriel and you walk over towards the kitchen with empty plates to put in the dishwasher. The two of you walk over to the living room, but before you do, you stop and Gabriel stops with you. "What's the matter?" he whispers unsure. You shush him and point in the dolls direction. You finally hear them talking to each other.
"Listen, Buddy. I'm not doing anything. Stop making me look bad, I'm just an ordinary Buddi doll."
Buddy raises his eyebrows. "I know what you did. You're not ordinary."
Chucky gives Buddy a disappointed look and sighs. "I'm protecting my best buddy, and you don't have to be a part of it! It's all fun and games, and besides, you have your own best buddy to protect."
And at that moment, you decide to enter the room and act like you didn't hear a word. "Hey, guys."
Chucky says hey back, while Buddy sits with an unsure look on his face. As you sit back down on the couch, you ask him what's wrong, with Buddy responding with, "I don't even know."
You pause. "Look, if there's something you need to tell me, just tell me," you say to him serious.
He glances over at you and shakes his head.
"Okay, then." You hug him and, for the first time, you kiss him on the head. Buddy quickly looks up at you with a surprised smile. He hugs you again, and you reassure him that he's safe, and that if anybody is hurting him, he needs to notify you.
The day goes on with some fun outside, and smiling faces everywhere, with Buddy not complaining again throughout the whole day.

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