Part Eight: Chucky & Buddy

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After the talk, you make your way to Gabriel and Chucky, who are are swinging on the swings. Gabriel notices you and stops swinging. "Hey," he says.
"Hey," you say back. "We're done."
"Okay. You wanna go in the treehouse?"
"Yeah, let's do it!"
You have nothing else to do with Buddy, so you sit him on the swing with Chucky. Before walking away, you whisper to Buddy, "Just talk to him."
His face is the same resting worried/surprised face. You shrug it off and climb the steps up the treehouse. It wasn't long until you heard talking from below. You nudge Gabriel. "Gabriel, listen; they're talking again." He nods and scoots closer to listen.
"Let's have some fun!" You hear Chucky exclaim from below.
"W-What kind of fun?" Buddy questions hesitantly.
Buddy's eyes widen and he raises his eyebrows. "Why are you glitching?"
"Do you wanna sing the Buddi Song with me?"
"Um. Sure?"
You scoff. "Wow," you whisper. "I don't think they're really getting along like we hoped."
"Yeah, I know right," Gabriel agrees. "Chucky's totally fine and Buddy just keeps complaining."
"Yeah..." You look to the side and sigh as you think about what Buddy said. Chucky killed Milky Way! Like, how can you tell Gabriel that... Now, you really can't blame Buddy for acting the way he's been.
"We are best buddies, until the end... More than just buddies; we are best friends," you hear the two dolls sing together.
"Yayy," Chucky cheered as he clapped his hands happily.
You hear Buddy nervously laugh and you just facepalm. "We gotta do something about this— like, teach them how to get along and act like brothers. Or be friends, like us," you tell Gabriel.
He nods seriously and replies, "I agree. Let's go back inside and teach them."
"Alright!" You two high-five and climb down the steps of the treehouse. Once you reach the ground, you grab Buddy off the swing and Gabriel grabs Chucky. "Buddy, we're going to teach you the ways of best friends!" Buddy looks up and into your eyes with a scared look. You pat him on the back, and hug him till you're finally inside the house. Gabriel and you walk over towards the living room and sit the dolls on the couch. You and him stand in front of the TV and cross your arms like you've seen actors do in movies.
     "Okay, guys," Gabriel starts, "we brought you here for a very special moment in a— doll's life."
     You nod. "Today, we're going to teach you two how to become best buddies, and to get along like Gabriel and I do."
     Buddy sits with a 'why did you do this to me' face. Chucky remains in the couch calm and turns his attention to Buddy. "Are you my best buddy?" He asks innocently.
     Buddy shudders and looks at you.
     You sigh and slump your shoulders. "Come on, Buddy. Let us help with the introducing part."
     You and Gabriel sit in between the dolls and begin the mission; Mission: Get Buddy and Chucky to Become Best Buddies. "Uh, let's start with a game," you suggest. You turn to Gabriel and whisper, "These dolls love games."
You get off the couch and bring down a board game from one of the shelves. "Who likes Candy Land?"
Buddy raises his eyebrows and Chucky exclaims, "Me!!!"
"Well, let's get started!"
You sit on the floor with the game and soon everybody else follows. You take out the contents inside the box, with Chucky taking them and examining them. The game starts, and everything after goes pretty well, just like you planned.
"Okay, now that you two have gotten the hang of it," you tell the dolls, "Gabriel and I are going to go upstairs." You pat them both on the back and lastly say to Buddy, "Glad you're getting along with him." He gives you a thumbs up and Gabriel and you make your way upstairs. Instead of going into his bedroom, Gabriel decides to sit at the top of the stairs where the dolls can't spot you.
"Keeping it low key," he whispers. You nod and the two of you continue to watch the dolls in action.
"Yay! I win," you can hear Chucky cheer. "What should we do next?"
This time, Buddy's face isn't worried at all. It looks relaxed and happy, like it did when you first met him.
"Do want to sing the Buddy song with me?" Chucky asks Buddy.
"Sure!" Buddy replies with absolutely no hesitation.
"You are my buddy, until the end. More than a buddy, you're my best friend!"
As the two sing together, they dance around the room and hold hands. You can hear Buddy laugh in between as well, which you smile at. They're finally getting along! You think to yourself. At the end of the singing, the dolls laugh together lightly. "Let's do something fun," Chucky suggests.
"Uh, sure," you hear Buddy respond. "What kind of fun?"
Buddy pauses. "Um, okay."
"Let's go outside."
The dolls leave the room and enter the backyard.
"You wanna go check on them?" You ask Gabriel.
He tilts his head. "Uh... nah, maybe we should sit this one out; let them play on their own without us inferring."

Many hours go by, and Buddy and Chucky have still not returned. You sigh as you think about the negative sides about what's going on; But you shrug everything off, realizing that the only thing you should consider is that the dolls are having a good time.
Just as you make it halfway down the stairs, you hear the back door open with a bang. You stop in your tracks. "What was that?" You ask Gabriel.
You pause as you hear the cries of Buddy! "I'm not doing that again!" He shouts.
"I was just trying to have fun," Chucky insists with that same innocent tone.
Buddy sounds like he's 'crying' and runs upstairs, where he pauses when he spots you. "(Y/N)!"
"Buddy, what happened?" You whisper. He runs into your arms and hugs you tighter than he's ever hugged. "It's Chucky!!"
From below, you spot Chucky staring at the situation. His mouth is open like he's been accused of something he didn't do. "I'm not doing anything!" This time, his voice doesn't sound so innocent. It sounds like he's sick and tired of being accused by Buddy.
"Yes, you did!" Buddy responds angrily. He walks down the stairs to Chucky. "You're a liar!"
Chucky's face goes shocked. He runs away from Buddy and next to Gabriel. "Guys, come on. Let's go upstairs."
You sigh as you pick up Buddy. He buries his head into your stomach-area like earlier. It really does sound like he's crying, but you know he's only a robot doll. "(Y/N)."
"Yeah?" You reply softly.
"I only want one best buddy."
You look at him and smile. "Fine by me, best buddy."

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