Part Twenty: The Tracking Device

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The whole time spent with the Moon-Pies was great. You didn't realize how much fun the dolls are to have in conversations, and it kind of makes you regret ignoring them for the sake of alone time with Gabriel at the sleepover. The squad is such a joy to be around, especially when everybody's laughing and smiling. But it just seems way to good to be true.
You snap out of the happiness when you hear the beeping sound again coming from inside and outside of ZedMart. All of you stop moving and speaking when the ringing intensifies. You turn to Gabriel. "They found us," you whisper. But you quickly look down when, very strangely, your leg beeps red. It's so random and strange that it's something you can't believe; it looks like it came straight out of a sci-fi movie. Buddy whips around to see the blinking, red lights coming from your leg wound.
He gasps and looks you in the eye. "They put a tracking device inside your leg!"
Your eyes widen. "W-What??"
Chucky comes around to take a peak. "Yep, that's definitely a tracking device, (Y/N)," he agrees as he snaps his fingers. "Here, I'll take it out for ya."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" You interject as you back away a bit. Chucky tilts his head but his eyes are very calm.
"Come on, sugar, I know how to do this."
You sigh and roll your eyes.
Buddy steps in front of Chucky and lifts his arms. "We both can do it, (Y/N)." He pulls out the scalpel he took from the hospital. "(Y/N), trust us!"
Your eyes remain widened and you look around as you think of what to do. You don't want to escape from all this mess and still be tracked down because of that tracking device. You pull Buddy close to you and whisper, "Make it quick."
The doll smiles and ushers you to go to the bathroom. Chucky follows, but Gabriel chooses to stay. Pretty reasonable.
Your heart races as you enter the restroom. The whole time, Buddy holds your hand tight, and it's very comforting. You three sit on the floor, and Buddy goes to grab some toilet paper, you can assume for the blood. As the process begins, you're thinking that it's probably going to be a bad idea. Let's just hope this goes well, you think to yourself.
     Buddy comes back with many rolls of toilet paper, and the scalpel in hand, ready to cut. "Let's do this," he announces cheerfully.
    Chucky holds your hand while Buddy prepares to reopen your leg wound. "Deep breath," he says with a positive tone.
     You take a deep breath, and Buddy slowly makes a cut on your leg. "Goodness gracious, Buddy, just get on with it!" You shout in annoyance. The pain gets worse, giving how slow this doll is cutting.
     The blood runs out fast, obviously, and Chucky uses the toilet paper to help with it. Very unexpectedly, Buddy literally takes his FINGERS and reaches for the tracking device. You scream in pain, but not too loudly. You've always told yourself that you're a tough person, so you try to keep that toughness up in painful situations like this.
     Buddy rips the device out from your leg and throws it aside. But he then pauses and places his hands on the sides of his face; not to mention, the same bloody hands he used to pick out that device. He then turns to Chucky. "Wait, how are we going to close it up??"
     Chucky's eyes widen. "You didn't think this through before you started cutting?"
     Buddy shakes his head, and his face just screams panic. "Oh no, what are we going to do?" He cries out.
"Oh my gosh," you mutter. You swipe the toilet paper from Chucky in frustration. "Just— go out and find whatever you can to close it up, and do it fast."
Buddy nods and the two dolls then leave the room. You crawl over to a wall where you can slump up against. While waiting for them to come back, you think things through. Can you believe that all of this started because Buddy wanted to play with you outside? You raise your eyebrows at the thought. "Wow," You whisper. But you perk your head back up when you hear the scrambling of the dolls coming back your way. Buddy comes back with handfuls of tissues and cloth (because that's exactly what you need right now), and Chucky's got a screwdriver and some batteries. You furrow your brows and tilt your head. "Uh, guys; you couldn't find anything more useful?"
Buddy tilts his head like you did. "What do you mean, (Y/N)? This will work perfectly."
You roll your eyes and put your hands on your head. You guess Buddy isn't fond of facepalms; he tries to pull your hands down at an effort to see you again.
"Not in the mood, Buddy," you tell him.
He looks into your eyes. "I'm not gonna hurt you, (Y/N)," he replies, very innocently.
You shrug. "Whatever! Just get it over with, please."
     Buddy nods with closed eyes. He then takes the cloth and... and literally SWIPES up and down on the wound.
     "Ahh!!" You jerk back and stare him dead in the eye. "That freaking hurt, Buddy! Why would you ever think that'd be good idea??"
     "I-I just wanted to make you happy, (Y/N)," he insists. The cloth remains in his hands as he looks down at the floor in sadness.
     You sigh in annoyance. "How 'bout I just do this by myself?" You suggest.
     Chucky perks up and shakes his head. "I won't allow you to do that," he tells you.
     Buddy turns to look at him. "Hey, (Y/N) is my best buddy. Back off."
     "Excuse you?"
     "Guys," you interrupt. The dolls both turn to look at you. There's a pause, as you think of how you're going to seal up the wound. "Could you give me the cloth? Oh, and also try to find some duct tape."
     Buddy nods and hands you the cloth. And very immediately, Chucky dashes out the room, probably to fetch the duct tape you asked for. "Hey!" Buddy calls out. He then proceeds to run after him, but you stop him with a 'hey,' like he did.
     Buddy quickly turns around.
     "You can stay here with me; you do know that, right?" You sarcastically tell him.
     He grins. "Okay." Buddy walks over back to you and sits with you while you wait for Chucky to come back with the duct tape.

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