Part Sixteen: Two Needles

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     "(Y/N)," the man says as he walks closer to you.
     You turn your attention to him. "Yeah?..."
     He looks at your mother. "Uh, we have been told by your friend over there that, uh, it was the dolls..." He sighs. "This better not be a make-believe story you kids are making up."
     You do a mix of a sigh, a head-shake, and repeated blinking. "I-I'm serious!" Just the tension in the room gets you nervous, so much so that you're stuttering— well, you've been stuttering.
     The officer blinks and hands your mom a card. He walks out the vehicle, but you're still left with an anxious feeling. And quickly after he leaves, doctors of some sort come inside the ambulance with their tools. A person tells your mother something you can't make out, but she leaves afterwards. You're heart starts racing for no apparent reason, but maybe because your mother just left the truck, and you're alone, with people you don't even know. Someone with a surgical mask comes rushing over to you to check out the leg wound. You furrow your brows in great confusion, and the man rushes back over to get some bandages. He comes back with them in hand, and first cleans the wound a bit. You wince from the pain, and the doctor can tell you're hurt— badly. He wraps it tight, and the blood gushes out just because of that. The man wraps some more, and layers it on more and more. It's finally getting better— the blood, that is. But it's definitely not helping with the sharpness. You never in your life thought you'd feel something like this. Never thought you'd be stabbed by a freaking doll.
Another doctor comes around, but this time he's got a needle. You hate needles more than anything, so of course you flinch at the sight. The doctor catches on and tells you, "This will only hurt for a second."
Well, those words didn't help. You feel the nervousness run through your body. You stare intently when the man sticks the needle into your skin. You bite your tongue from the pain, and the doctor quickly cleans the blood and places a bandage on it. You don't think much of the shot, but suddenly you feel dizziness. You look around, which doesn't help, and all the objects seems to be shaking. At last, everything's a blur, and you lay your head down and close your eyes.

You wake up in the hospital. The whole room is white, with little to no decorations on the walls. But one decoration stands out the most you; it's a giant circle, with four circles inside of it; and there's a needle beside it, which resembles the needle emoji (obviously 💉). You spot the clock, too, for some reason, and see that about an hour past since you got stabbed. You lay back down in the hospital bed and sigh. Gosh, I hope my leg doesn't get amputated, you randomly think to yourself. When Chucky put that knife in your leg, it was deep, and you know it. And it didn't help that when Gabriel took a mallet to his head, the knife did a side-swipe and cut the rest of your leg. But you stop all the thinking when Gabriel's mom enters the room. She comes in with her medical equipment and a clipboard in hand. She places the equipment on a side stool and the clipboard remains in her hands, now with a pen. "Okay, (Y/N)."
     You patiently wait as you turn your attention to her.
     "I was told earlier that it was the dolls who took the knife and stabbed you..." she looks down and back at you. "You're sure this really happened?"
     "Yes, Mrs. Cuttino, I'm telling the truth! I-I can tell you the whole story and everything that took place."
     She nods.
     You exhale. "So my Buddi doll and I were playing outside in my backyard, and then suddenly I couldn't find him. I searched everywhere, and then finally I decided to call Gabriel if he knew where the doll was. And it turns out, he did, and my doll was hanging out at his house. So I walked over there, and found my doll and Gabriel's doll playing outside. I walked out, and I ordered my doll to come back home. Then Gabriel's doll starts defending him, so I grab my doll and then he, out of nowhere, pulls out a knife so I drop him. And before I knew it, Chucky sneaks behind me and stabs me in the leg. Luckily, though, Gabriel catches on immediately and takes a hammer to Chucky. And that was when he called you."
     Mrs. Cuttino's face isn't that shocked, but her eyebrows are raised. "Um..." She looks around the room. "Well, uh. This is very hard to believe, but—"
     "Why can't you believe me?" You interject. "Why can't anybody believe me? These dolls— they're smart. They have p-personalities of their own! I don't see what's so hard to believe that one of these dolls took a knife and stabbed me!" You pause. Just listening to that now, you can believe why people wouldn't believe you.
     She sighs. "I'll be right back," she tells you. She leaves the room, and you sigh sadly. Well, angrily, too. You're eyes are drawn to the security camera up above. It's has the same symbol that's on the wall. You stare at it annoyed and roll your eyes. You're brows are furrowed in frustration, and you're fists are clenched. Why can't people believe you? Not even one? This annoys you greatly, and you continue to act the way you are until five men barge into the room. Startled, you flinch as they continue to roll in and bring out medical equipment. One man, who looks like he could be the main one, puts his mask on and reaches for yet another needle. This is the only guy who has a circle on his surgical mask. You furrow your brows. "Wait, why is there another needle?"
     The doctor briefly looks up at you after you speak, and he answers, "Helps with the pain, son."
     He takes your arm and inserts the needle, deep into your skin. You shake your head, obviously confused. "Then what was the needle you put in before for?"
     He glances back up at you. "Pain."

Your Best Buddi - (POV READ)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant