Part Four: The Discount Item

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"Good morning!" Buddy cheers as you open your eyes.
It takes you awhile to focus after sleeping for so long, but finally it catches onto you. You look to your side where Buddy is sitting crisscrossed. "Oh, hey, Buddy."
He smiles and continues to stare into your eyes. "I smell eggs!" he blurts. You lightly giggle and grab Buddy off the bed. Just as you inch closer toward the door, you stop in your tracks as you realize that your parents can't find out that you took this doll for your own.
"Um, Buddy, I think you're going to have to stay here," you warn him. "Mom and dad can't find out that I bought you for myself."
Buddy frowns and looks down. "Okay..." he mumbles.
"Look," You tell him, "it's okay. I'll be right back, got it?"
Buddy nods and you hug him. "Find a good hiding place; you know, just in case someone opens the door," you order.

Walking down the stairs, the smell of eggs and sausage gets stronger. You inhale the wonderful scent and enter inside the kitchen. "Smells heavenly, Dad," you let your dad know.
     "Thanks, (Y/N)," he replies after placing the scrambled eggs and sausage slices on a plate. "Here you go." He hands you the plate with the scrumptious food and you start to walk over to the couch and eat. You quickly get an idea that you just can't keep inside. "Hey, Dad," you call out.
     "Yeah?" You hear him call back.
     "Can I eat in my room today?"
     "Uh, yeah. I guess."
     "Great, thanks!"
     "Oh, and try to make it quick, (Y/N). After I drop you off at Gabriel's, I gotta go to work and I don't want to be late."
     "Okay, I'll try," you tell him as you make your way upstairs again. You open the door to your bedroom and the first thing you see is Buddy running straight for the bed. You laugh, and say, "Buddy, it's just me, you're fine!" as you shut the door. Buddy scrambles out from underneath your bed and places his small hands over his face. "I looked like a fool!" You hear him mumble through his hands.
     "Oh, come on, silly. You're totally fine! I'm glad that you were able to think quick and hide like I told you to."
     Buddy removes his hands from his face and smiles at you. "Aw, thanks, best buddy."
     You pat him on the back gently and let him know that you have to quickly eat your breakfast and get ready to go to Gabriel's birthday party. "Okay, I'm going to get dressed first and then eat," you tell the doll. Your mind goes blank when you realize that you still have to buy another Buddi doll for Gabriel. "Oh, shoot— how am I going to do that?!" You accidentally ponder aloud.
     "Do what?" Buddy chimes in curiously.
     "U-Um... nothing," you stammer.
     "Are you sureee?"
     "Yeah... I'm sure." You frantically eat your breakfast and pack your bags for the sleepover. You jerk your head around when you hear Buddy ask, "Can I come with you?"
     You pause and think a lot. Yeah, I could actually bring him! I can tell Gabriel that I got one for myself— it'll all be a great plan. "Sure, Buddy. Except I need you to not say a word when we're in the car, but when we get to Gabriel's, I'll bring you out once I give him his gift." Buddy nods and you soon place him inside your bag. "Alright; let's go," you say finally.

     You arrive in the car to go to Gabriel's birthday party-sleepover. As your dad drives the car, you glance out the window, just thinking of any excuse to stop by ZedMart and pick up that Buddi doll; but then it comes to you.
     "Hey, Dad," you call out from the backseat.
     "Yeah?" he responds.
     "Can we stop by ZedMart? I forgot a gift bag to put the doll in."
     "Oh, sure. Lucky you said that at this moment because ZedMart's right around the corner."
     He shifts the car around and enters the ZedMart parking lot. "Okay, make it quick, (Y/N)."
     "Okay, I will," you tell him as you open the car door. You run towards the store, and in your head, you're just hoping that Buddy doesn't make a peep. Speedy fast, you jet towards the Buddi doll section and grab a doll without examining it like the last time. The only thing you actually pay attention to, is the discount. Well I'm here just in time, you think to yourself. You dash to the checkout and out you are. You purchase the gift bag as well, and stuff the doll in. With a sigh of relief, you leave the store feeling proud and satisfied. Entering the car, you place the bag to your side andvreach for your own bag. "You did that pretty fast, (Y/N)," your dad tells you.
     "Yep," you reply. Just to make sure, you open your own bag and check on Buddy. "Hey!" You whisper to the doll. Buddy smiles real big and sticks his arm out the bag, possibly to stretch or get some air. You lightly giggle from the sight and continue to smile the whole way to Gabriel's house.

"We're here!" Dad announces. He stops the car and you both unbuckle your seat belts and open the doors. You take both bags with you and wait by the doorstep as you ring the doorbell. The door soon opens and you see Gabriel with a happy smile. "Hey, (Y/N)!"
"Hey, Gabriel!" You greet back. "Happy birthday."
"Thanks! Come on in."
You and your dad both step inside the house. Gabriel's parents come in and all of you do the usual hellos and greetings. Towards the end, dad tells you that he has to leave for work.
"Well, I gotta go, (Y/N). Good luck, and happy birthday, Gabriel!"
"Thanks!" replies Gabriel. The door shuts and the two of you run upstairs, of course. When you two reach Gabriel's bedroom, the first thing he asks is, "So did you get that Buddi doll?"
You smirk and hold up the bag with the discount Buddi doll inside.
"Oh, you're the best!" Gabriel exclaims. You hand him the bag and he immediately dives in. As he pulls out the box, he admires the doll and doesn't stop saying things about it.
"I have something to show you," you tell him.
Gabriel looks up from the doll. "What is it?"
You grab your bag with all of your items and pull out Buddy from the piles. "I got my own, too!"
Gabriel's facial expressions go from shocked to even more shocked. "Wow, this is amazing! Now both our Buddis can be buddies," he says with a laugh.
You laugh as well, and you hear Buddy laugh along, too. This definitely was not a bad idea! You think to yourself.

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