Chapter 18

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{ A/N um.... before you all kill me, i would like to confirm that I had no good reason to not upload; so, now, plz go ahead with your angry-mob-bing *covers head protectively* but i would like to point out that it's also Lea's fault because she hasn't uploaded ANYTHING since like chapter 5 (lol) so i needed to get a break from the SCARY vampiric world.... well, not really, Darren and Cameron are just big cuddly pandas.... anyway, here's an upload, (finally, right?) because i was missing my gang! anyway, who else knows V-Factory? I mean, like, if they had stayed a band, they would've been more famous than One Direction; no.joke. So, this chappie is dedicated to our wonderful, yet broken band V-Factory's Asher Book Monroe (*swoon*), Wesley Quinn (freakin cuter than lion cubs), Jared Murillo (HSM, anyone?), Nicky Teti (ok, he should be a pro comedian), and Nathaniel Flatt (at first, i thought he was related to the Rascal Flatts or something; FAIL) -M}


I concentrate on following Cam's speed while we race around the maze of bushes. Honestly, Scott should really learn or hire someone to do the grass; I feel like I'm running on oceans and oceans of grain plants. So not cool.

Cam tugs on my hand, eyeing the gap in the bushes greedily. He increases his speed, not caring that I'm struggling to keep up. It was like he only cared about getting out, not if I come out alive or not.

Gee, thanks.

As came nearer, it felt like time slowed down. I look to my right, feeling unsettled. Wisps of my hair travel effortlessly blocking my vision.

But, just because I couldn't see it, didn't mean I couldn't feel it. An incredible force pushes roughly at my chest, causing me to stumble backwards, crashing into Cam. Not to forget, we were probably running at, like, 100 miles per hour.

Whatever had driven into me, caused me to gasp for air as I flew for five seconds more. The sudden contact with the ground brought an unimaginable pain. My head hit first, making it feel like a thousand heads of needles piercing my skin. I close my eyes, never expecting to feel this much pain after being numb for weeks.

I lay there motionless in awe of the disappearing agony. My attacker took that chance to speedily get on top of me. I didn't have time to respond as I was greeted with a rock-hard slap. My head meets my right shoulder at an angle that shouldn't have been possible.

A tinge of pain enters my neck, but not as much as the waves of torment controlling my forehead. My attacker, who I assumed was Scott, uses his knee that was on the left side of my hips, which was currently straddling me, and jams  it in my ribs. I howl in pain, putting werewolves to shame, sitting up-right. I open my eyes only to be greeted by cold grey ones that were dangerously dissolving into shades of red. Scott brings his hands up to pin my own, and leans close to my ears, "where do you think you're going?"

Even if I had the littlest of energy left in me, I wouldn't have been able to get his weight off of me. Scott sits back up, pressing further onto me, causing spit to slide out of my  mouth, since, obviously, blood couldn't come out. I haven't been fed blood ever since I had been bitten.

Scott's fangs tauntingly slide out, his face twisting into a threatening sneer. His head whips faster than a bullet towards me. My first instinct was to turn my head, but, that was a shitty move since I just gave him easier access to my neck. My head throbs reminding me of my previous injury. Just as Scott's fangs trail across my neck, I feel cold air blanket my body. I don't feel as if a thousand pound truck ran over me, realizing that somehow Scott was thrown off of me.

I try to move my head without providing a path for the pain, but without success. I could feel my eyes droop lower, making my vision blurry. The night modeled as a horrible canvas for the fight scene unfolding before me. I could make out outlines of figures, but the dizziness proved to be stronger.

Finally, giving into the luring blackness and comfort, I close my eyes; my last sense of feel was of my head being cradled.


I take hold of Alex's hand, managing to forget that she's on a higher standing than me. I simply focus on maintaining my speed and getting to the warehouse that Taylor told us about. I barely feel the wins against me as I speed and drag Alex across the plain fields.

I hope we make it in time. I can't afford to lose Juliet.


We finally reach what seem like an abandoned building after traveling for hours. But, of course the adrenaline rushes out the nervousness and the fear in both Darren and I. Obviously, Darren thought that we reached our destination, so he increases his speed. I dig my feet in the ground, some pebbles of dust flying in the air, but, of course, my eye sight picks up every single one of them.

He rotates to face me, his eyes blazing with fire I've never seen before. "What?" He asks through clenched teeth.

Before I could advise him that we should sneak in, I hear a familiar agony-filled scream tear the silence of the night.

All rational thoughts fly out of my head, as anger floods my mind. My fangs almost immediately spring out, making me leave out a ferocious growl.

It was like both of us were racing to see who'd reach Juliet first.


I manage to bite into Scott's neck while his two fucking minions try to pull me away. They successfully do, but my mouth doesn't seem to let go of part of Scott's neck. His eyes stay open, staring emotionlessly at the sky. Both of his minions let go off me immediately. I spit out his neck in disgust, watching as his pale skin slowly crusts up, veins popping and drying up, leaving his skin sagging off his bones.

I could feel waves of fear radiating off of the two minions. I threateningly turn towards them, when I was pushed forwards. Stumbling, I get ready to rip whoever's throat, but was pushed to the ground.

I look up to meet my brother's cold eyes.

{ A/N Aren't I evil?? Muhahahahahaha lol, anyway...... vote, comment, and fan if you'd like. Thanks for reading! }

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