part - 34

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Tale of love story 

part - 34

recap( raglak were trapped by ancient tribes inside the jungle ...goons were searching for raglak ..tribes puts an condition with raglak to release them alive..raglak consummation )

scene begins in small hut ,which were placed in tree , sun shine hits inside it through small small holes ....its disturbed the cute sleep of our hero , he immediately hide his face but couldn't escape from sun light soon one body sat opposite to him , he continued his sleep smiling...ragini face brighten seeing him ...she remembered last night incident , how those tribes stared her in lust way ,still her body is shivering thinking about it , but soon her heart melt remembering the way laksh supports  her then stands for her , she blushed badly recollecting those moments he made her his in all meaning .. she felt complete after yesterday night , she is thankful to them for giving these moments with him , she can't assure it will happen between them again 

still she is i dilemma whether laksh love her or accepted her for circumstances ... only she knew there is no krish in her life , its just a fake role she believed to live in assumption under dp uncle influence ...laksh is in her heart thoroughly no one can replace him from her heart...

she stared laksh who is sleeping peacefully unaware of the circumstances in sleepy ,mode , she caressed his hair ....suddenly something fell on her made her shocked ... 

few minute later laksh felt his body is burning in sun light he hardly opened his eyes to witness he is sleeping in new atmosphere ..he got alert recollecting yesterday incident ... ragini he searched for her in that small hunt ...but nowhere to see her ...he got tensed he wore his shirt then come down calling for ragini ...for his surprise none is near by him.... his tension increased more ...raginiiiiiiiiiiiii raginiiii he called for her ... 

from nowhere one child came ..hold his hand then took him to somewhere ... 

another side goons were shown ...they are still searching for raglak without taking rest ..everyone got tired one of them plead to their boss to take rest for some while ...he too agreed  slowly they drift into sleep near by same river where raglak drowned

laksh reached top of the hill with that small boy , all tribes were there looking for laksh but his face showing tension and hesitation , his hear searching for ragini 

Head of the tribes shouted in their slang , those people shouted back in chorus, laksh is too confused about their behavior , he convinced himself and asked to them in signal where is ragini , within sec same guy came there who can communicate with raglak in their language , he took breath in relief he asked about ragini to him , but he simply smiled .. 

helo i am worried about my wife you are smiling , its not fair ...please tell me where is my ragini ? 

don't worry sir first you go and take bath in river , laksh glared him , i am asking about my wife but you are ignoring my question and asking me to take bath ? i can't understand anything .. please tell me where is my wife 

sir first do as i said everything will be ok .. he went to take bath in river half heart , then quickly took shower from river then rushed back to the place.. he repeated the same question 

he pointed one crowd...woman's moved aside ragini is shown sitting with them and smiling beautifully he took breath in relief seeing her smile but he noticed something different in her ... she is beautifully decorated by natural items .. she is looking breath taking in that natural makeup ...he mesmerized to see her .. 

what is this all he questioned ? 

sir woman's checked if you guys proved what they  asked for ? laksh stared him in confuse .. sir that yesterday matter ..laksh nods in understand everything is ok right ? shouldn't we go from here ? 

yes u guys can go but before that they personally wanna perform your marriage in their style 

marriage again ? 

yes sir don't take it easily do you know what ? if you guys married in their style you both will be together in your seven births ...they are worshiping god genuinely unlike city people ..they will do anything to keep their traditions ...they are believing this from ancient times ...laksh face brighten hearing it 

if my ragini stays there with me forever i am ready to do anything ...i will love her like anything in this world , will do whatever she wants ?he stared ragini lovingly , please don't think to leave me ever ragiini he prayed to god ..soon wind passed by flowers fell on laksh and ragini surprised its an blessings from god that guy said ..laksh smiled in happiness.. 

they performed raglak marriage once again in that hilly area ..laksh never left ragini hand in whole function ..all tribes blessed raglak whole heart , ragini too praying the same ...don't separate her from laksh in any situation .. 

another side ap is shown worried ..what happened to my children why they didn't reached here yet , dp too tensed a lot , they even complained to police about their missing ... police questioning  ap ..she is answering to them in tears .. dp anger is clearly shown in his face .. where is them ? 

raglak bids bye to tribes happily they gave something to raglak .. one different bangle to ragini and said its specially designed in xyzz birds feather it will keep you happy please wear it whenever you were in trouble it will solve it quickly 

then tied one rope in laksh hand will help you to come out from all misery ... he received it happily ....raglak hold each other hand then starts to walk away .. both were happy by recent incident , but couldn't share anything each other still laksh felt guilty to consummate with her before proposing to her ...but ragini felt he understood her heart yesterday night the way she respond to him poor girl doesn't know he needs pure confession from her ... 

while moving ragini about to fall laksh hold her on correct time...careful ragini he said to her , but unfortunately goons heard ragini voice they got alert .. they starts to search for them again .. one of the goon saw them passing by ...he signal to others too ..

he kicked on laksh back ..he fell down ..ragini lost her balance ..goon placed knife on her neck ...

raginiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii laksh shouts 

screen froze 

precap : guess 

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how many wants raglak confession ?

twist ? 

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