part 29

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Tale of love story 😍

     Part - 29

Recap (  ap trying to made raglak together.. Raglak moments...sharma funny things...raglak happy moments )

Scene begins in preist asked laksh to fill her forehead with vermillion both raglak looked each other lovingly... Laksh heart craved to say her u r mine ragini by filling your hair line its will prove u again u will be mine only forever

Ragini heart saying...laksh please try to understand my feelings i want to be yours ,accept me whole heart, i don't need anything except being with u ... I love u laksh till my last breath she said closing her eyes laksh filled her hair line....

Temple bell rang in wind...priest smiled nd commented , see its an good sigh even nature wishing to see u together god bless u my kids be happy living together ... He blessed them raglak looked him in happy

Ap who came behind them smiling whole heart...she doesn't know these rituals following here...she thought to make them together but its worked. .. .. She prayed to god

Ragini said let's take round laksh he shook his head....laksh hold ragini hand nd taking round of idol...

Priest said to ap ... I am so surprised to see these kids how they r keeping our u know after husband filled wife hairline many felt tired nd left temple without taking rounds...but those who completing it made for each other ...their life bounded with seven birth .... Your childrence one of one can't separate them...they will face many problems but come over it with their love for each other...

Ap happiness having no bounds hearing it... No words to express how much happy she is now ?

Here raglak completed their prayer....ap kissed on ragini forehead nd caressed laksh face....happy for u both .... Let's go now

Sharma jii reached there ...he is breathing heavy... Finally i reached here ap rolled her eyes ... Raglak smiled seeing him

Ok sharma jii u pray we r going by saying ap took raglak with her down....sharma jii panicked arrey i am also coming don't leave me alone here..  

He followed them...

Everyone reached down .... Ap mobile rang dp name shown in  display...she looked it irrittated but soon smirked she handover mbl to sharma ...

She asked raglak to visit one more temple near by ....they nodd...ap wanna send them alone ,she informed to laksh that she is tired so she couldn't join with them she will wait for them here... Laksh over excited hearing it... Ragini also happy

But maa uncle ragini asked....laksh muttered under his breath wt's the need of this third wheel inbetween us raginii...

Did u said something laksh ?

No he smile faintly....

Ragini betta look he is tired let him wait here...u guys go ...

Laksh take her with u go ...

Ok maa he made ragini sit in back seat , he too sat beside her driver start the car....

Dp is walking here nd there in angry how could it happen ? Wt will i do now to stop them ? He is so worried ...wanna plan something he thought

Here raglak going on... Both were very happy for priest words ....somewhere in their heart they starts to believe they r made for each other... No one could separate them...both r genuinely happy without thinking about their past what is happening now that's matter to them...its enough to raglak this happiness being close with each other....

Will it last long.... I don't think so cz one car following raglak car.... Its unaware  of raglak whom were lost in each other presence...but driver noticed them...

Sir he called him...

Laksh came back to earth...yes

Sir i am noticing from long that car following us from temple even i changed the path but still its behind us he said to laksh...

Both raglak turns back ...yes one car following them... Ragini got scared...

Laksh asked him to take right... He done it...that car to take right , take left now laksh yells , car too take turn in left ... Laksh confused...who is this y did following our car...

His gaze fell on ragini who is sitting beside him like an scared kitten...ragini don't worry i am here right he hold her hand protectively...she shook her head...

Driver drive fast laksh commented.....ok sir

That car speed to increased ...its reached near raglak car... Nd hits its back...raglak jerked from their seat .....laksh pulls ragini towards him not allowing her to hurt her head
.....ragini r u alright she nodd in his arms... Now its hits on right side laksh hugged ragini protectively she too clutched on his shirt in fear...

Drive fast laksh both care chasing each other...laksh car travelling bits ahed now... Laksh could feel ragini shivering body...his only intention is to save his love from this situation...

Laksh saw something near by nd asked him to take a quick turn he done it... Now its going in opposite direction  ..that car didn't expect this moved away...nd puts an sudden break take a u turn but when it reached on the spot laksh car is missing....

Those goons seaeching for raglak car in each direction but no idea wr its gone ? Damn it we missed them now wt will we answer to our boss ....they stamped their foot in angry...soon their mobile rang

Boss name displayed in it...

Shit those goons shouted....

Screen froze

Precap : how will raglak escape ? Who is this boss ?

Guys any guesses for the next chapter? One more thing still rohith kavya chapter r not end in this story ........let's see how raglak will protect each other from these villains ?

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