Part 27

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  Tale of love story  

   part - 27 

recap (dp revealed about krish truth ... ragini got relief from her guilt ... laksh determined to get back his love ) 

scene begins in laksh said to himself he will fight for his till last , he wants his love on his life , his ragini his love is pure so he deserve her love too ..i will try my best to gain her trust genuinely ..he smiled to him 

That is when he heard an door unlocking sound .. ragini came out of washroom adjusting her fleets ..laksh looking her lost , he mesmerised to see her beauty , she is angel from heaven , her beauty is flawless .. no words to describe about her beauty .. breath taking .. his lips turns to curve seeing her how pretty she is in that sarie which he selected for her .. 

ragini felt his gaze on her .. she maintain an eyelock with him ..both looking each other forgetting the surrounding .. u r looking beautiful he said walking near her ragini surprised listening it ..his intense gaze made her cheek heat up ..she is blushing in his words .. she couldn't look into his eyes anymore wt if he found her feelings on him ? she hesitated .. lakhs is not ready to take his eyes from him .. 

but sudden knock on the door made them came back to earth .. laksh cursed that person for disturbing his moment ..

come in he said 

his servant came there .. sir ap maa calling u both come down 

we will be there in minutes he replied .. servant left from there .. 

come ragini lets go..she shook her head .. 

both stepped out of the room .. both maintain an distance while coming down from stairs.. but they badly wanna go down while holding each other hand but wt to do destiny playing an hide nd seek game with them .. it is the most pity thing in the world when two people loving each other truly but don't have enough guts to express it ..hiding in their heart .. it will give pain only 

wow they look good together sharma jii commented seeing raglak ..ap smiled but dp is glaring them 

raglak looked each other .. 

ragini laksh we wanna go to temple after marriage its our rituals .. so i wish u both come with me to temple .. 

y not maa laksh said smiling cz his only intention is spending time with his ragini he wanna enjoy all the moments with her .. ragini also feeling the same ... 

if u don't mind i wish to join with u guys sharma ji said .. dp glared him..ap suppressed her laugh seeing dp helpless state neither he can't stop them going nor get up from his wheel chair ...his angry is clearly visible in his face ... 

laksh sat on driver seat nd waiting for ragini to sit beside him ..but wt made him disappointed sharma ji sat beside him he irked to the core .. ap made ragini sit on back seat .. laksh pout wt the hell yesterday he done favour to me by allowing ragini stay with me now ruining my plan .. something made him smirk .. he about to call his driver but before that ap interrupt .. ram come here .. 

laksh looking ap confused 

u drive the car ..laksh u come back nd sit with ragini its not good u r sitting alone after marriage .. raglak face brighten .. lakhs thanking his mom for this help but he can't express it out wt will ragini think about him .. he just left the driver seat nd sat beside ragini .. their heart beats were not in their control ... car move on 

while going raglak shoulders were rubbing each other due to cuts nd turn s.. ragini cheeks turns red ..lakhsh couldn't control his feelings .. how could he control his feelings when his love is near him she is looking so beautiful today .. already he is mad on her today she made him look her crazy ... that is when driver took an sudden curve ragini straightly land on his chest .. laksh held her by her shoulder ..ragini looking him nervously .. ap smiled seeing their closeness ... ragini felt its not good to behave like this she separated from laksh .. he pout seeing her avoiding him .. 

ap signal the driver to take an curve ( yes ap planned this all to create feelings in raglak cool mom right ? ) 

he shook nd took another curve .. this time laksh fell on ragini ..lakhs careful she said in worry ..

laksh better u hold ragini betta u both r not comfortable she said in innocent face .. 

raglak were  happy inside but giving whatever look .. laksh held her shoulder ragini looking him but he is looking away to avoid her eye contact ...unknown smile came to her lips .. cz she could hear his heart beats its giving goose bumps to her ... 

they reached on temple .. 

sharma jii who is sleeping driver waked him ..sir we reached on temple he looked around no one is there 

wr is all ? they went inside sir but u r still sleeping driver said in disbelief .. 

in temple .. ap asked laksh to buy jasmine flower ..he brought it .. he smelled it mom its smelling so good i love this smell .. ap nd ragini smiled seeing his antics .. ok now stop smelling it nd help ragini to pin to her hair .. rgalak looked each other shocked ... laksh do it its an ritual u know ? 

ragini betta turn she shook her head nd turns back ..lakhs looking that flower nd ragini hair he felt so excited he helped her ...rgaini blushed touching the flowers she is looking more beautiful in it .. mummy she made me go crazy on her ..laksh pout .. 

laksh hold her hand steps may be slippy i really don't know whether u r helping me or not but thanks to u .. 

he forward his hand to her she held it tightly looking him ...he takes her near pool of the temple ..laksh washed his leg ..ragini hold laksh hand in support nd dipped her legs in pool ..but its slipping he hold her waist with his cold hand .. both felt an unknown shiver ran down thier spine ..both r looking each other lost .. their heart beats were not in their control ..he made her stand properly still he is not ready to leave her waist ..ragini felt goosebumps in his touch ..words r not coming out... lakhs is not in his sense he is lost in her closeness ..... 

screen froze 

precap : just like this .. 

guys leave ur cmnts ...i gave raglak close moments to cheer up u guys .. lets takes it in mixed emotions like serious joke romance .. wt say ? 

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