Part 25

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 Tale of love story 

   part - 25 

 recap ( raglak moments ..ragini fb .. ) 

scene begins in ragini lost in her pov she remind how  dp threaten her to marry laksh .. she is loving laksh a lot now so getting married to him giving an beautiful feelings to her somewhere she is lost in laksh nd wished to be his wife but her status make her stay away from him so she accepted dp decision of lakhs marriage with another one girl i never expected dp uncle will ask me to marry laksh ..i know he is an educated man having good name in society looking handsome all girls craving to marry him how could i spoil his life i can't be an good wife to him i am not a good match to him that is y i said no to this marriage ..but his words tore me apart .. he kidnapped krish nd blackmailed me to marry laksh i never expect an step like this from dp uncle he insane i thought .. already i was in guilt for betraying krish who is living only for him now uncle made me in more guilt .. how could he kidnap him ? wt will he get from this ? i don't know wt is his intention i couldn't think much on that time i have only few sec in my hand when i was getting late he gave an audio ..someone wincing in pain i was shocked to hear it ..i made up my heart as stone nd sat beside laksh .. poor laksh he gonna suffer cz of me how will he take this marriage i am betraying him ..layer of tears skipped from her eyes .. 

That moment when he adored nuptial chain in her neck she felt an immense pleasure inside her which she craved for .. she must be feel sad for krish now but her love nd passion on laksh over took her nd formed as an smile but eyes never betrayed her its overflowed as tears .. my eyes met with his brown orbs .. i could feel that feelings in his eyes ..he was kind of shock seeing me beside him but wt made me surprised he smiled for an sec when he saw me in bride place i don't know the meaning behind his smile ...i thought for an sec perhaps he too have feelings for me.. but soon his expression changed he starts to shout on his parents its clearly saying he just thinking me about his friend ... 

its somewhere hurts me though i stands there rooted cz after this mess i wanna meet uncle nd confirm whether  krish is safe or not ? i made up my way to his room there i got an thousand volt shock he is standing in his own leg it means he is not paralyzed he acting ? y ? y did he betraying his own family nd son ? wt will he get from these all ? many question raised in me ? but i confirmed one thing he is an cunning man do anything for his selfishness .. he saw he standing outside he smirked nd called me in .. i walked inside hesitated ..did krish is safe ? release him please she pleaded to him .. wow wt an love he teased her she bend her head down cz she is not in love with krish anymore she is bind in trust only cz he is an savior of her childhood days .. she looked him with teary eyes ..uncle please release him i married laksh as u said ..pls leave him wt u more need from me ? 

he again giving an same expression with smirk .. 

uncle please release krish she plead to him .. he starts to laugh in devilish .. i didn't kidnapped anyone then how could i release ur krish rgaini ? 

ragini world shattered wt ? u didn't kidnapped krish ? 

yes i am he said laughing ... don't lie u done now trying to hide this from me? 

wt will i get from hiding this from u can u eat me alive or can able to complain about this to my son ...if u done too no prblm my son won't trust u .. he always choose his papa first ..rgaini stood there rooted yes he is right he love his papa alot .. 

y did u lie then ? 

cz this marriage is important to me he said smirking .. 

wt will u get from this marriage ? she asked angrily ... 

that is none of ur business ... 

yeha its my own business that is y i am asking u must reply me or else u will see my another face ragini warned him ..dp smirked .. wt will u do pity girl ? 

u r just an servant here i will kill u if u crossed this house once he said angrily .. 

lets see who r u to stop me its my life my decision i will leave from here today itself nd before itself i will confess all truth to laksh i don't mind will he believe me or u .. its his prblm she said determined .. 

ok then go then u can't able to see him alive .. he said .. 

whom krish i don't care she said determined .. 

i am saying about laksh not krish ..ragini stunned wt ? 

yes i will kill laksh then .. ragini looked dp in hate could u r u a human being .. how cheap u r ? u don't deserve anyone love here she said in pure disgust .. he laughed .. ok whatever let me tell u another one truth too 

rgini looked him confused .. 

its about ur krish ....ragini held her fist in angry .. wt an effect he said teasing she glared him back .. 

hey girl listen whom u r trusting as ur savior ? that krish right ? who is writing letter for u that krish right ? for whom u waited these many days ? for that krish ? 

but poor u didn't see him yet in ur life .. hereafter u can't ...ragini confused by his statement .. ,means ? 

means there is no person in the world as krish .. opps i mean as ur krish its just an imaginary role ...

ragini shocked ...

screen froze 

precap : unknown truth 

 guys leave ur cmnts ... how many thought laksh is krish ? ok wt u guys thinking is dp saying the truth or trying to create an another drama ? if krish is an imaginary role how does ragini believed it ? 

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