Raglak consummation

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   Tale of love story 😍

       Part - 33

Recap ( Raglak lost in forest...dp were tensed about their missing news...goons reached raglak...raglak jumped into river...ragini dream )

Scene begins in raglak entered into small hut which placed near river side...it seems like lonely area...small fire light is there...raglak looked around the place weirdly...

Laksh i felt strange here...is someone living here ? No one is here but how someone abandoned this hut here... More then this fire who lit up it here ?

Ragini lower your voice is some animals is near by will come here ..

Animals ragini asked gulping in fear

Haan ragini wild animals are too dangerous

Y did they coming here ?

Ragini we r in their place ...animals living here ...we came here mistakenly. .

Yeah u r right she said pouting...

Laksh i felt thirsty lemme search water here ...

Didn't u drink enough water from.river while drowning he teased her......

You are too much laksh she pout searching water...laksh searching signal...thank god my mobile is waterproof orelse ? He rolled his eyes ...

Ragini saw something weird she hugged laksh in fear....ragini wt happened he hugged her back looking the direction ...he stumbled back along with ragini seeing them.....

Tribe peoples staring raglak in weird way ...ragini sticked to laksh more in fear... They are asking something to laksh but he couldn't understand anything...

Wt kind of language are they speaking ? He thought ?

He tried to speak with them but all went in vain...some people came forward when the head ordered...they separated ragini from laksh...

Ragini starts to shiver in fear she shout his name loudly...laksh save me...

Raginii ....he too shout back trying to free himself from their grip...they took raglak to somewhere forcefully....

Its an big ground ...many huts are there ...some were on tree...peoples starts to make noise in weird way seeing raglak...

All gathered there in fraction of second ...head of the village came out nd stand near fire... Peoples adding wood in that fire...its starts to spit put flames....its give shiver to raglak body...

He too asked something to laksh but couldn't understand ... Laksh free himself nd pull ragini to himself protectively...they about to touch then head shout...no...

He said something to near by person he nodd in understand he left from there ...

He signal raglak to sit...laksh sat holding ragini in his embrace...she starts to shiver in cold he removed his blazer nd made her cover with it.... Head watching it all kneely...

Laksh looking around the people in understanding..he understood they are following ancient culture nd living in this forest without interracting with outsiders....

Within min ...one person brought there by the man who  left early...

He is seems one of the person belongs to this culture... He came forward nd asked ....who r u ?

Laksh face brighten hearing familiar language...

I am laksh...she is ragini he narrated whole things to him...

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