angry 😡

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     Tale of love story 😍

           Part - 13

Dedicating to ATHIRA451 ammugithu Jasminearun

Recap ( laksh angry on krish ...laksh shout on raginii...ragini starts to avoide him...dp invited rohith nd kavya to mm )

Sceen begins in mm laksh is in his room lost in his thought he doesnt know to find his feelings on ragini one side she is just an servant in this house he is not an type to show his care on anyone he doesnt mind anyone feelings yet ...but ragini is something different he is having unknown feelings on her , y krish matter affecting him this much he lost his peace when he heared abt ragini nd krish matter ... He even shout on ragini in that frustration wts her mistake in it ...y did u bluttered like that cz of this ragini is not coming infront of me nowdays its irking me to the core .. I felt guilty for my deeds i wanna ask sry to het at anycost...

Laksh stood up detetmind he rushed down in search of ragini he enquired to another one staff abt raginii they said ragini is in garden laksh marched to garden...there he saw ragini trying to pluck mango from tree ...her waist is clearly visibled to him he unknowingly attracted to her... She is looking pretty in his sight he unknowingly admiring her ... Ragini finally pluck mango nd abt to get down she saw laksh there she panicked nd slipped from the stone where she stand yet laksh hold her by waist ...he felt her waist is perfectly made for his hand....she is like an delicated flower both raglak losted each other in their eyelock...

Ragini came back to reality she struggled in his grip he made her stand properly ...ragini muttered thanks nd abt to go ...laksh stopped her by holding her wrist ...sir leave my hand ...ragini y r u behaving so strange to me ...i said those all in frustration i was not in good mood thats y plz dont mind them all

Ragini smiled scarstically....sir now only i am behaving correctly i must know my limit ... I should stop my naughtiness its not my village to behave in my wish...i am here to my work not to seduce anyone ...she said in teary voice her painfull eyes always hurts him badly... Before he could say something someone hugged him laksh....

Raglak shocked to see that person.....laksh pushed that person immediately ouch laksh y r u pushing me like this kavya asked ..

Oh sry kavya... Laksh said ...hey man rohith came there nd hugged him ragini gave a glance to kavya nd left from there... Somewhere ragini hurts to see kavya hugging laksh she doesnt know y ?

Kavya speaking with laksh but his eyes looking disappearing figure of raginii not only him but also rohith but slight difference he is looking her shape in lust way....

Its unaware of laksh... Y r u guyz here laksh asked ?

U r not coming to see us na so we decided to give surprice to u hena kavya exactly...ok how is our surprice its good he said unintrestedly .... We r gonna stay here with u for somedays

Wt ? Laksh asked shockingly... Yes laksh ur pappa invite us here ...

Really laksh asked

Haan laksh ....thats good lets go in he takes them to mm... Ap came there nd smiled ...

Laksh introduced ap to kavya nd rohith...ap smiled looking them laksh informed they r gonna stay here for few days pappa invited them maa...

Wt ap shocked ... Something fishy here y did jii invited them here he is not the person giving heed to his friends circles wt is cooking on his mind first he revealed krish matter to him now this its all not giving an good sigh to me ap thought... She smiled fakely u guyz enjoy i will take tea for u all

Maa coffee for me laksh said ...ok kavya said for me too...rohith too nod...ok

Ap asked ragini to bring coffee to them ..she shook her head nd starts prepare coffee for them...ap take some snacks too...after ragini said maa its finished bring to them...ragini u go nd give betta..maa noo i wont ...ask to give another one

Ragini go dr they r laksh friends so only u can take care of them well ragini without option agreed ...ragini followed raginii... She forward coffee to kavya she glanced ragini nd shows her attittude , she then turns to rohith he intentionally touched her hand ragini takes her hands back he smiled to her ragini glared him ...ragini then give to laksh he looked ragini in smile she bend her head he felt sad ... Ragini abt to move hey u kavya snapped her fingers ragini stopped there ... Who will takes it back from us ...come nd take this she ordered to raginii somewhere its doesnt liked by laksh...ap glared kavya how dare she to order ragini in this way ... Ragini didnt uttered any words she abt to take it laksh said kavya in this house we have certain rules only coffee will give them it was we wanna place it back.... Ragini looked laksh confusedly she thought there is an rules like that...ap understood laksh she suppressed her laugh nd join with him...yes kavya it was ur duty go nd place it on kitchen...

Kavya twisted her lips wt the hell even i didnt done anything like this in my home but here...arhh...but i must obey this all orelse i cant enter in laksh life ... She said ok aunty ....

Rohith too got up ap stopped him this rule only for girls ... Oh ok aunty he placed cup on ragini hand ragini jerks her hand back....then ragini collected laksh cup nd left from there...

In evg... They starts to dance in high volume laksh couldnt tolerate this all he is adjusting cz they r guest there kavya dragging laksh to dance with her he is just clapping unintrestedly...rohith demand soft drinks laksh informed to ap

Ap felt head ache in that sound so she asked to ragini bring soft drinks to their room...

Ragini knocked come in laksh said ..... Ragini placed that on side table rohith smirked looking her he moved near to her nd forced her to dance with him ragini felt uncomfortable near him she is pleading to leave her... Laksh saw this he got angry on rohith...he takes ragini from his grip ragini fell on laksh in the force he hold her tightly in possessive way his eyes reflecting anger the surpricing thing is ragini is comfortable in laksh grip unlike rohith...

Rohith be in ur limit laksh roared ragini eyes brimmed with tears ...

Laksh i just ask for an dance ...she is not ur type did u get that... Kavya glared ragini she doesnt like the way laksh holding her...

Ragini u plz go from here laksh said she shook her head nd rushed out ......

Rohith tried to convince him but laksh is hell angry on him for touching ragini he doesnt like it ...he never felt like this before whenever rohith dance with other girls...

Kavya somehow convinced him...

Screen freezed

Precap : evils vs raglak

Guyz leave ur cmnts

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