Something Gotta Give

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"Okay bye love you ..."

I hung up from with Eric, he told me that they pushed his court date back and that he wasn't coming home no time soon. Once he told me that I flipped my emotions were everywhere I didn't even feel like being bothered. I didn't tell him the bad news about Kevin being shot down in front of our house I knew he'd be upset. I didn't need them keeping my baby any longer, and if I told him that news he'd be spazzing out in there and that's the last thing I wanted.

Braylen wiggled all over pushing his foot into my belly, looking down I seen the out print of his little foot sliding across my belly before disappearing. I really hate the circumstances how I got pregnant but I loved the fact that I had someone with me every step of the way. Being all alone sometimes for depressing and every time I found myself going into that depressing mode he'd kick and wiggle in my belly.

My room door burst open... Tiffany ass came running in.

"Next time knock on my door please, I don't feel like being bothered I'd rather be alone." I demanded.

I didn't feel like being bothered with Tiffany, seems like the only time she was around when shit happen. Since I've been pregnant she's been really distance and haven't been around lately. I'm assuming she's been working at the club, apparently she don't have shit to show for it since she can't bring her part to the table.

They say you see who your true friends really are when times get tough. Yeah she was around for the moment when I was up but now that I'm down where's she?

"Fine then ..." Tiffany said rolling her eyes closing the door.

I decided that I'd go visit my mom since I haven't heard from her since the last time she called to borrow some money.

45mins later

Before I could even knock on the door my mom came walking out.

"Where you about to go ma'am don't you look cute" I said with a smile on my face.

She didn't say thank you or nothing her first response was "when you got pregnant, I told you nothing but legs open at night" she giggled and brushed pass me walking to the mail box.

I walked into the house. I just wanted that feeling of being home. Despite my mom acting funny towards me I actually missed it here. Home cooked meals, her doing my laundry... now that I am grown and pregnant I have to take full responsibility. I didn't like it but it was life. We all have to grow up eventually.

She walked back in giving me a dirty stare.
"So when do you plan on going to
School? Now that you have a little one it's a must that you go. You don't wanna end up like me with nothing."

"Ummm... I really don't know ma school haven't crossed my mind just yet. Why go to school when I have everything that I want?" I asked confused.

She giggled picking up the dish towel "The things that you have you didn't work for correct? Stop depending on people because what they provided you with can be pulled right from under you like a rug"

I mean she was absolutely right, but then again she was being a hypocrite because she depended on me when it came to bills and taking care of the household.

"Sky I know I'm far from perfect, but I'm telling you these things so you'll be better than me. I want you to have the life I never one had that's all"

I rubbed my belly; going into my dark place I zoned out and the palm of my hands started getting sweaty. "Can I have some water"

She brought me a water bottle and sat down next beside me. "Turn on the tv and make yourself at home"

"Nah ma I think I'll get going I have a few errands I need to make before noon."

Okay Sky be careful love you.

"I love you too" grabbing my keys I exit my mom house I stood at the door for a minute admiring the kids looking at my car.


Pulling up at the jail house I sat in the car for a minute trying to get myself together. I didn't want to go see bae looking all sad, so I put my feelings to the side and got out.

"Yes i'm here to see Er....

"I'm sorry but visitation ended at 4:00PM" The lady rudely said rolling her eyes before picking up the phone to proceed with her conversation.

All I could do was stand there and cry I turned around disappointed walking back to my car.

I need my baby man. I'm miserable without him.

The car ride home was silent no music playing no nothing just thoughts that skipped through my mind.

When I pulled up to the house the mail lady greeted me showing all of her pearly whites.

"Here's your mail ma'am" I took the mail from her when I noticed a pink letter. I walked off opening the letter .. "i fucking knew it this stupid ass bitch can't do shit right"

when I walked in Tiffany was laid across the couch with her friend Ashley and some man on the other couch. "Excuse me?"

"Did you ask to have company?"I blurted out in argue slamming the door behind me.

"WhAt Do YoU MeAN?"

"I mea this folks in my fucking house and you didn't ask could you have company! I don't won't everybody in they mama in my shit. You know if Eric was here he wouldn't approve this shit! Plus I have a fucking notice that the power  and water will be cut off. You told me that you paid both bills Tiffany wtf."

"Okay Sky I had some other shit going on I'll pay it whenever! You tripping & when you was staying in my shit I didn't set little girl rooms around the house I told you to make yourself at home. You got a lil money and a man now you think you better than everybody else huh?"  

"Get out of my fucking house you and your company"

Tiffany didn't say anything she just looked at me sideways.

I just walked into my bedroom slamming the door behind me. I didn't feel like arguing with anyone or caused any more stress on my child.

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