Pain Run Deeper Than The Ocean

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We finally had time to ourselves once Eric family left. I low key was in my feelings the fact nobody showed up from my side of the family but then came to realization that I had much more to be blessed about. I couldn't force anyone to be apart of my life.

Braylen was still in the nursery Doctor Ray suggested that we both get some rest and take advantage while we could because once we got home things would be different. I took everything into consideration and decided to get some rest.

Later that night

I woke up stretching out my arms as I let out a loud groan my legs were no longer numb anymore I finally got my feeling back in my leg. I noticed Eric wasn't in the bed with me when I turned around I seen him sitting in the recliner chair stretched out him and Braylen knocked out.

I decided I'd snap a picture since the moment was priceless. When I glanced down at my phone I seen I had multiple missed calls from Tiffany, my mom and Ross I wondered what the hell Tiffany wanted. I honestly didn't want to be bothered with her but I decided I'd call her back just to see what was up.

"Hello ... I know you seen me calling you I wanted to come see the baby"

I paused for a minute before responding back...

"Tiffany I don't think this friendship will work. It'll be best if we just go out separate ways." I didn't care what she had to say I clicked before I knew it leaving her ass on a blink screen probably still talking who knows.

She called back so I blocked her number. A few minutes later Eric phone started going off so I decided I'd answer it I assumed it was Tiffany but it wasn't. Who ever it was the number wasn't saved.

I never went through Eric phone. I didn't make it my business to. I was pretty sure he wasn't up to nothing. I've never had problems with other females. I decided I'd call the number back just to be sure though.


"Hey ... W-who's this?" I questioned looking down at the phone. The phone hung up. I noticed Eric moving looking into my direction rubbing his eye.

Did someone call? Eric whispered trying not to wake up Braylen.

"Yes, but I don't know who... are you cheating on me I blurted out."

A rush of insecurity flooded my brain.

"Sky why would you think that? You don't trust me now!" Eric said slowly getting up to put Braylen into the hospital bassinet.

" I trust you I just find it awkward that someone called and once I answered they didn't say shit. Why's that?" I looked at him with a blank stare waiting on a response.

I could tell by the look in Eric eyes he didn't have a clue what I was talking about.

"Okay Sky, give me my phone and let me call the number back." Eric demanded holding his hand out waiting on me to give him his phone.

Maybe I was tripping but then again a women intuition is hell and I knew exactly how I felt deep down inside. Maybe I could be wrong but I just wanted to be sure.

"Put the phone on speaker!!! The fuck you sitting there looking like a deer in headlights for?"

He looked down holding the phone with once hand and rubbing his waves with the other showing signs of guilt.


"Hello, I know you seen me calling you." A lady said in a high pitched tone.

"WAIT PAUSE WHO THE FUCK IS THAT"....I said trying to get out of the bed, but my legs were way to heavy still numb from the epidural. 

"Who is this ...." Eric asked pausing after waiting on a response.

"You know exactly who this is, this is Kelly congrats on your baby! Bye you dumb bitch" she said hanging up in his face.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Who the FUCK IS KELLY? SO THIS WHOLE FUCKING TIME YOU BEEN CHEATING ERIC? HUH ..." I questioned him in despair  holding my aching heart as tears ran down my cheeks.

"No Sky it isn't what it seem to be... Kelly and I had dealings way before you came into the picture I've been faithful since you and I been talking and that's the God honest truth BABY..."

"Don't baby me bitch get the fuck out of my room NOW! I yelled throwing the phone at him aiming at his head"

The nurses came running in with buck eyes. "Everything okay..." yes everything is fine.... I said waiting on the to get the fuck out too.

"Sky I'm not going anywhere. You can be upset all you want but that's the truth. I'm not leaving until my son leave!" Eric said looking me dead into my eyes.

I giggled this bitch really had me fucked up just like every one else. I'm convinced nobody's loyal.

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