61 - Barker Park

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Chapter 61 - Barker Park

"....that's so wild Clarisse!!" Comes Scarlett's whisper through my cellphone at like 12:30 at night.

Yep, I'm that basic. Had to call my best friend immediately after some nonsense occurred to explain it to her. But was it really nonsense? I went over to Sebastian's house to attempt to teach him Trig and he FUCKING KISSED ME AGAIN LIKE WHAT THE HELLL---?!

"Yea yea that's for sure!" I say as I manically pet Cuddles in my lap (she's just barely handling it). Barnabas is curled up at the foot of my bed and Nibbles is off probably jumping on the counter again or something, but I'm a little more preoccupied with my conversation to care if the cat gets into the cupboards again (he legit pries them open with his paws, the sneaky little bastard!). I'm curled up under my comforter whilst clutching one of my pillows to my chest like a little girl scared of the dark.

"I can't believe he told you all of that stuff about Quenby too...I didn't know most of that either." Says Scarlett.

"You didn't know she was bi!?"

Scarlett scoffs at me through the phone. "No no no, I knew that, but I didn't know much about their break up...I wasn't super close to her then, just knew who she was and had a few classes with her. It was hard on her I know. Some of the girls on the volleyball team were cruel to her and she had to even get talked to by the coach since she changes in the locker room...that's why she's so quiet now. I mean, she was always pretty quiet but she's a lot more...solemn now."

"Ah..." I can't even imagine. I personally don't care who people like, because growing up no one liked me so why did I care who they were interested in? But the mess for Quenby was her dating Sebastian while still trying to figure things out for herself... "Did she ever date anyone after Sebastian? Like, a girl?" I feel so nosy! But I've been clueless for so long and now that my life feels like a yarn ball that one of my cats has tangled around everything I might as well just live in it right?

"She dated a girl that following summer for awhile. I don't know how long but she's been single for a while and I think she prefers it that way. Almost anyone who tries to talk to her gets the cold shoulder."

More like the cold stare. I imagine her frigid glare and almost get goose bumps. She's always been so frosty to me and now...oh god now... "So....this whole time that Quenby has been kind of half hating and half liking me was because of Sebastian huh?"m

Scarlett is quiet for a while and then whispers, "Yeaaa...she always asks me if you guys are dating or just friends with benefits...or what it is. And I've always told her that there's nothing there... but now..."

Whoooooa hold up!!! What are you saying? "'But now!' What does that mean??"

"Well, I-I just mean like...Sebastian is very obviously interested in you Clarisse...you can't deny it anymore. I guess I'm just not sure what to do though, I don't want to lie to her y'know? Because despite your constant denial there is something going on now." I can hear a little smile in her voice, she was maybe feeling a little smug because she was right. Well what the fuck though!!

My face feels hot again - as hot as like fifteen minutes ago when I told her that Sebastian kissed me again... My brain keeps flashing back to it and it makes my heart start galloping at breakneck speed and my skin gets tingly and I feel sweaty and that terrible mixed mess of excited and terrified feelings jump me all at once. Sitting in the dim cab of his truck, so close, so close to each other--- Oh fuck!! I run a hand over my face. Ah god these flashbacks are gonna be the death of me no joke.

"B-But Scarlett!!" I sputter. "There isn't anything going on...is there?! We're not fucking dating! We don't even talk that much, we don't text, we don't like, snapchat, we don't go on dates...it's just, just--"

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