25 - Beat Feet

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Chapter 25

Heyyy! I'm really really sorry that I didn't get the chapter up any sooner! Please forgive me! I"m a busy person! And I'd like everyone to note that I changed some cast members...I promise that this is the last time I change Sebastian. This GORGEOUS model I found fits him perrrffeccttlyy. And there were those who were concerned on how Clarisse wasn't 'pretty' enough so BAM i found some else for her too! Thanks for reading and vote and comment and all that jazzz! Love you :)


"What?" I snap at him again as I continue fleeing into the living room. Just go away!! I think in a horrid panic. He has to leave, and leave now! I can't let him see how much his gorgeousness is affecting me. Not how much more it can... A little voice whispers in the back of my head, sending an involuntary shiver down my spine.

He knows. The voice whispers again, and I can feel my face flushing even darker that it already is. If I could strangle that voice, I would. Strangle it until it died!

"Psycho." He says again, and his voice sounds farther away. I stop beside the couch, my arms wrapped around myself. I peek over my shoulder, glaring daggers.

"What?" My voice lashes out venomously from my mouth and I'm proud of that fact. Then I actually get a glimpse of Sebastian.

He's leaning in the doorway of my kitchen, his upper body still utterly naked, arms crossed over his chest. I can only describe the smile on his face as mocking, triumphant, and utterly sexy. If I was within ten feet of him, I'd probably melt into a stupid puddle on the floor.

Thank God for that extra five or so feet.

"Why are you running away from me?" He asked, that ridiculous smile playing on his lips.

At his question I can feel my legs tense, like they thought they were going to start sprinting. No! He can't know how freaked out I am right now. Why am I freaked out? I don't have the best idea, but I'm beginning to think that its because I'm embarrassed by how affected I am by how gorgeous he is... I don't go all stiff and blushy because I like him (Hell will fucking freeze over before that happens), but its because I have no experience with guys...other than avoiding/yelling at them...

Suck it up Clarisse! I yell at myself. Giving him another glare over my shoulder I snap, "I'm not running from you!"

"Oh really?"

"Yes really!"

"Then why the heck did you book it out of the kitchen like you were?"

Crap. How do I answer that? Right after he'd removed me of his (my) XL shirt - leaving me standing there completely violated (though I still had my Lucky Charms shirt on underneath) - he'd had this triumphant look on his face. I can describe as something akin to the expression I'm sure I make after I figure out a particularly tricky Trigonometry problem (though I doubt he's ever had that same experience mwahaha). But that completely triumphant/satisfied HaHa-I-Figured-Something-Out look gave me a mini heart attack. So maybe I did run...

"I..." Crap crap crap, what to say?! Sebastian raised a pompous eyebrow at my hesitation. I sputtered out,  "I just didn't want to be near you anymore."

Well it's true...

He squinted his eyes at me, still smiling, and seemed to be studying my face intently. Ha! Maybe he believed me! What an idiot!

"Are you afraid of me?" That's one question to knock me off my feet.

My general reaction (of course) is to want to immediately tell him (probably scream at him) how stupid he is and maybe throw in a slap. But part of my brain actually takes this question seriously: Am I afraid of Sebastian? Hm. I'd naturally be loathe to admit it, but...well, AM I? I don't like to be around him, I don't like to touch him and/or be touched by him, his glorious naked body makes me freeze up like a deer in the headlights...

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