Chapter 30: "The bad boy likes me?"

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My voice was barely above a whisper as my heart was beating rapidly out of my chest. The feeling of dread consumed the whole of my body.

"It's nice to know that you recognised my voice,"

I shot up into a sitting position as if somebody had thrown water on me. My voice came out a lot stronger and was laced with anger as I retorted. "Where the hell is Nixon? If you lay a hand on him I swear to god I will kill you,"

Rick laughed in amusement. "I almost forgot about that bold mouth of yours. You're a little spitfire huh,"

I felt myself getting angrier. "Where is he?" I spat.

"Don't worry darling here's right here with me. Unconscious but alive," I felt numb. Tears spilled down my face as Rick continued. "Your boyfriend wants out so you need to pay up. Want his freedom? I want my money,"

And then he hung up.

My phone slipped from my fingers as I sobbed into my hands. My heart felt like it had been smashed into a million pieces. Things were finally good and Nixon promised me that he was working on it. Endless thoughts were swirling around in my head and they were anything but good.

An image of Nixon laying unconscious somewhere covered in blood, flashed across my mind which made me cry harder.

Aiden. I needed my brother. He was the only one who could save Nixon.

With my new realisation I ripped off the comforter that was covering my body and got up in a haste, wiping my tears away with the back of my hand. I practically ran down the hall knocking on Aiden's door desperately.

"What?" I was met with a dazed looking Aiden.

He looked annoyed, but quickly snapped into a look of concern observing my panic stricken face. Without saying a word I pushed past him and walked into his room as he shut the door.

I broke down in tears as he pulled me into a hug. "Mar, what is it? What's wrong? Did Ford do something? I swear I will kill that stupid bas-"

"Aiden no!" I interrupted. "Rick called me, he took Nixon. He took him Aiden. He said he wants money for his freedom," I was a blubbering mess and wouldn't even be surprised if my brother hadn't understood a word I had just said.

"What?" I stepped back as I felt his body stiffen. "Rick called you?" His fists were clenched in anger.
"What did he say? Tell me everything,"

I sniffed. "He said Nixon's with him and he's unconscious," My voice broke as tears slid down. "He wants us to pay for his freedom,"

Aiden's eyes had darkened as I continued. "Nixon told me earlier that you were both looking for a way out. So why did Rick just take him?"

Of course I was glad that nobody laid a finger on my brother, but the question was playing on my mind.

"I don't know," My brother replied.

I put a hand over my mouth to muffle my cries, trying to control myself. Aiden placed a hand on my shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly as he gazed into my eyes. "I'll get him back Mara, I promise. I have a plan so I need you to trust me okay?"

Not being able to form any words, I merely nodded as my brother rushed to put on his shoes and grab his car keys. Pulling me in for a final hug, he kissed the top of my head. "I've got this,"

I eventually made my way back to my bedroom.

There was no way in hell I was going to be able to sleep so I sat anxiously by my phone just in case I got a call from Aiden. It had been a couple of hours since he left and the more time that went by the more I was freaking out.

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