Chapter 2: "Daddy, could you get me a peg for my nose please,"

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"Aiden! Aiden hurry up please! I'm dying and I can't hold it in any longer," I shouted and pounded my fist continuously on the bathroom door.

I know what you're thinking, don't you have more than one bathroom? We have a total of five in our fairly large house, my own en suite included. But somehow it ended up occupied and the other ones were too far away.

Sometimes, I really hate being the only girl. I mean we have our housekeeper Carla, but she doesn't technically live here. Guys take longer in the bathroom and that is a proven fact.

And usually, my poor nose has to endure the stink they leave behind.

"Mara I love you and you're my favourite daughter but please, could you stop shouting this early in the morning," I looked over to see my dad already dressed in his dapper three piece suit, coffee in hand, with his grumpy morning look.

My dad is the best.

All kids say this about their dad but mine really is the best. He puts on this hard, tough and scary demeanor to the outside world but he's really just a big softie when it comes to us, especially me. According to my Aunt Rose, dad was a big time player and bad boy back in high school. I know he has a few tattoos, but other than that I find it hard to believe sometimes. I guess it's where Aiden gets it from.

He's now an attorney and owns his own law firm 'Ellsworth Law'. It was no secret that he wanted Jake and Aiden to follow in his footsteps, but that isn't happening.

Jacob is twenty two and is currently at our city's university studying medicine. He's always been the science geek in our family and he has a caring nature. So being a doctor is going to be the perfect job for him. Aiden on the other hand is the sporty one. He's aiming for a football scholarship next year which I'm sure he'll get.

Me? Well let's just say that one Ellsworth child will be making their dad happy. I want to be a lawyer too, hopefully taking over the family business.

"Dad, first of all I'm your only daughter. And second, your son is taking forever in there! He's doing it on purpose," I whined giving my best puppy dog look so he would help me, knowing it would work.

Just as my dad was about to say something, the bathroom door burst open with a smirking Aiden standing on the other side. Oh dear lord.

"Daddy, could you get me a peg for my nose please?"


Despite a horrible and smelly morning, I was in a pretty good mood. Mainly due to the fact that it was finally Friday and Jake had promised to take me shopping tomorrow morning.

Also, I didn't have any more encounters with Nixon and most importantly, I was still alive.

For now.

"Why are you smiling like a creep for?" I turned around to see Izzy with a concerned look on her face.

"What do you mean? It's Friday, of course I'm going to be happy. It's the weekend!"

"Technically it's still during the week and aren't you forgetting something?"

"Is that supposed to be a rhetorical question?"

Izzy sighed deeply and spoke to me like you would to a two a year old. "You have detention. After school. With Mr Midgely,"

"Oh sugar balls," I had totally forgotten about the whole sleeping in class ordeal. I can't believe this is finally happening; my first detention. My dad doesn't know and neither do my brothers. I was fully determined to keep it that way. No one would be home when I got back so they wouldn't notice.

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