Chapter 11: Like Lotso from Toy Story chasing you around your high school.

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What exactly is a dream?

According to Wikipedia they're successions of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that usually occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep.

Apparently, they're supposed to be full of meaning and an insight of what really lies in our subconscious. But what about those really weird unexplainable dreams?

And I'm not talking weird-weird. Like Lotso from Toy Story chasing you around your high school. I mean when the same person is in every one of your dreams and you have no clue who they are. Actually that's not entirely true, I have an idea of who it might be but that can't be possible. I was only two when she died.

'She' being Alma, the one thing that we're missing from our family.

My Mom.

I did Google it once; what it meant having the same person appear in your dreams every night. Some say it means that you're missing that person or that they're always thought about in the dreamer's subconscious. The first reason couldn't be possible.

How could I miss someone who I didn't even get to know?

The only thing I remember was her calling out to me. We were on grass, like a field and I could briefly remember the sound of her voice. It sounded sweet, almost angelic-like.

But that was all.

If it wasn't for the pictures, then I wouldn't have had a clue of what she looked like. She was stunning with those mesmerizing blue eyes that only Aiden seemed to inherit, her beautiful curly brown hair which I guess I inherited and that long nose which reminded me of Jake's.

I could picture her face clearly from memory from the amount of times I studied her. It seemed like she left each of us siblings a piece of her as a reminder.

We don't talk about Mom much in our house. At all, actually.

I still didn't get the full story of how she died. I used to ask Dad a lot as a kid but he'd either get upset, distant or angry so I learned to stop asking. Part of me didn't even want to know because at the end of the day I knew she was gone and was never going to come back, except in my dreams. I always knew she'd be there and this time was no different.

I was walking down a steep staircase which for some reason seemed to go on for miles ahead. I couldn't feel my left arm and both of my legs were aching like I had just ran a marathon. I could faintly hear a woman's voice from behind me, telling me to be careful. Telling me to be cautious. Warning me of danger. I ignored it and instead kept walking on. I had no idea what these steps were leading to or if they ever ended.

Within seconds the air got thicker, it was getting harder to breathe and it felt like the oxygen was getting sucked out of the air.

I couldn't breathe.

Why couldn't I breathe?

My hands immediately went straight to my throat to try and stop the tightening. My lungs felt heavy, like someone had placed a bag of bricks on top of them. I tried to scream out for help but nothing was coming out. I felt so lightheaded and hoped that I passed out purely to stop the pain. I then felt a hard pressure on the small of my back and went tumbling forwards.

The last thing I heard was my scream reverberating loudly through my whole body.

My eyes opened widely with a jolt and I was panting heavily.

I quickly closed them shut when I was met with brightness, making me wince. There was a dull pain which seemed to be increasing at the back of my head and the front felt like it was throbbing. My right hand immediately went to touch my forehead, which was met with something soft. After a moment I realised that the square shape was a large band aid.

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