Chapter 13: "Damn. That is such a turn on,"

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"I can't believe him! I mean what a dick! God, I just wanna stab a fork in his eye and drag him down the street!"

"I think maybe you're overreacting just a smidge Kay. You still made it right?"

"That's really not the point Izzy. I was sabotaged and I went into full panic mode at the worst time possible. Mara, please tell our friend over here how I'm so not overreacting,"

Sighing I looked at Kayla with an apologetic look. "Sorry Kay but I agree with Izzy on this one. Besides, how do you even know it was him? What if it was just random? Stuff like that happens all the time,"

Izzy subtly nudged my good arm to give me a 'you're going to regret this big time' face.

"You're really lucky that one of your arms is already broken and in a cast right now Ellsworth. I know he's your friend so I get that you're blinded but I just know that asshole had something to do with it! My mom's car literally just got back, it's not random. And on the night I had a date? Come on!"

Izzy looked deep in thought. "I still don't understand why you said yes to Asher. Doesn't seem very Kayla-like,"

We both looked at her pointedly across our lunch table, our curiosity getting the best of us. For the first time in our many years of friendship, Kayla Woods was speechless. I smiled internally because I had a feeling that the reason she said yes had something to do with Ethan. Izzy gave me a knowing look, I knew she was sharing the same exact thought.

They would totally be perfect for each other.

"Stop looking at me like that,"

I put on my best innocent voice. "Like what?"

"Yeah Kayla, like what?"

Looking all flustered, she packed her things in a haste and started to get up. "I'm so over this. I'm leaving to find new best friends,"

"Good luck with that honey,"

Me and Izzy were left giggling to ourselves until we were interrupted by a new voice.

"Where's my favourite ginger off to?" Ethan was suddenly in Kay's spot.

"Your favourite ginger wants to murder you and dump your body in the river,"

"Damn. That is such a turn on,"

"Ew Ethan," I rolled my eyes.

He shook his head like he was getting rid of his thoughts. "Anyway, I didn't come for a certain feisty red head. I came for you Mara Moo," Ethan looked at me pointedly with a smile and my mood dropped.

"Hell to the no. Don't you dare even try it Ethan Ross, don't you remember what happened earlier this week?" My voice cracked a little mentioning it and my heart felt like it was starting to sink.

Against my wishes, Ethan had an attempt of trying to 'fix things' between me and he must not be named.

That's right. The genius sat across from me decided it was a good idea to get us to stand in front of each other and force us to talk because apparently we were both being 'stubborn'.

I really had no clue what was going on. I got told to stay by my locker and the next thing I know, I'm looking up and making eye contact with a familiar pair of light chocolate brown eyes. But they went as quickly as they appeared.

It was like my heart broke all over again.

I can't even say his name in my own head for crying out loud, never mind having a conversation face to face.

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