Chapter 18: "He's fine. And he's not your lover boy he's mine,"

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"Nixon this really isn't taking it slow," I said breathlessly gently trying to push him away.

"Don't worry it's fine," His soft lips continue to attack my neck and an involuntary moan escapes my lips causing me to blush in embarrassment.

To my surprise this seemed to fuel Nixon's actions as he made his way back to my lips with more urgency than before. Ugh how do people even stop, it feels too good to stop. Nixon tastes and smells amazing. Like even more than pepperoni pizza, so to hell with it, I could do this all day.

Even if it was in the school's cramped supply closet.

The past four weeks have been relatively normal for my life. If you count me, Mara Ellsworth dating the bad boy then yeah, totally normal.

As soon as I was back to school we had a friends meeting, Izzy, Kayla and I. I told them everything.

We went through all the emotions you could think of, it's safe to say that it was intense. Oh and every time I've mentioned Ethan since then, Kayla would make a slight face. Mental note to self, ask Ethan what that's about. But at the end of it all I knew that they were happy for me. Even though at one point Kayla asked if I'm 'crazy' and said 'dude he's labeled the bad boy for a reason this can't be the same guy'.

But he was the same guy.

Nixon's hands were caressing and roaming all over my body, pressing me tighter to him. Every one of his touches sent tingles down my spine. My appreciation of being cast free in this moment increased times a hundred. I could finally use both arms again and this was the perfect way to use them. I was so loving every second.

And then the bell rang.

I pulled away in reluctant haste and Nixon groaned in frustration. "Come on we gotta go to class Nixon I don't wanna be late,"

"But," he replied whining.

"No buts let's go," I laughed at his exaggerated sad face.

"Okay fine but one condition," he retorted tucking my hair being my ear. With a happy smile on my face I gave him a sarcastic eye roll.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Dinner with me Friday night. It'll finally be our first real date, with just the two of us,"

I smiled from ear to ear and gave him a peck on the lips in response. "It's about damn time Ford. But Of course. I look forward to it," he playfully tickles me for the first comment.

"So you really hate being late don't you?" I looked at Nixon with confusion to the random question.


He then took a step forwards and caught me off guard when he pushed his lips against mine, holding them there tight for what seemed like forever. And before I could react he left the closest, leaving me stood there dazed.


I found myself at the library during a free period. I told Ethan to meet me here determined to get some answers out of him. Four weeks of Kayla being weird every time Ethan was mentioned? Something was definitely up.

I decided to lodge myself in a comfy bean bag getting out a book from my bag. But instead of reading I found myself day dreaming about Nixon as the words on the page stared at me. The way every touch of his made me feel some type of way, how soft his lips were against mine, and oh god the tingles...

"What's cooking good looking?"

My head shot up. "Ethan," I smiled.

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