Chapter 17: His eyes, his nose, his lips.

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Your first kiss.

We've all read the romance novels and watched the movies, ultimately leading us all to creating our own perfect ideals in our minds. And of course I was no different.

I always imagined and longed for that perfect guy and the perfect kiss. To be head over heels in love. And for the first time in my life, I was beginning to have some of that.

But if there's one thing the books and movies don't tell us is how amazing it actually is. It's nothing in comparison to the reality. Nixon's soft lips moulded perfectly in sync with mine, almost like they were made for me.

As soon as they made contact, my eyes closed like an automatic reaction and I placed my right hand behind his neck pulling him in closer. His tongue was warm and sweet. Nixon's hands slipped under my shirt, caressing my waist. My heart was racing and tingles jolted to every part of my body. This was nothing like I had ever experienced and I was loving every single moment, which begged the question why have we never done this before?

I had a small hint of insecurity of whether I was doing a good job but when Nixon softly moaned into my mouth it was squashed away.

Oh fudge that was hot.

We slowly pulled apart a few moments later, much to my dismay, both of us breathing heavily. With both his hands cradling my face, Nixon was lit up with a breathtaking smile and I mirrored his expression. He looked at me with adoring eyes.

"Wow," He rasped. I could tell from his expression that he liked it. The bad boy liked our kiss!

"I know right, it was better than I imagined," I hummed in response.

"That was your first kiss?" Nixon's expression never faltered but mine did.

I felt a blush of embarrassment make its way onto my cheeks and the insecurity started to creep its way back up. I merely nodded in response, looking down.

"Thank God," I looked up at Nixon in surprise. "If someone else had ever touched those lips I would have gone ape shit," Nixon smiled but I could tell he was being serious. My heart filled with warmth, all hint of insecurities gone.

I was using the moment I had to really appreciate and take in all of his features.

He really was so handsome. His eyes, his nose, his lips. All perfect. I ran my hand gently down his face and as I reached his lips, he planted a soft kiss on my palm. I traced the back of my hand against his stubble and smiled.

It made him way hotter.

Plus, I liked the feeling when it tickled my face.

"I like the stubble. You should keep it like this,"

Smirking at me he retorted. "For you, anything,"

Jheez could this guy get my heart racing any more.

"Hey Nixon?"


"Can we take this slow? I just don't want to rush anything or go too fast," I looked at him warily afraid of his reaction. I think he noticed this so instead of speaking Nixon leaned towards me slowly and planted a single soft kiss on my lips and looked straight into my eyes locking me in place.

"As slow as you want Mara. If we're going to do this I want to do it right. I've screwed up with a lot of things, but I refuse to screw up anything with you," He spoke with so much intensity, it made my heart skip a beat.

I felt like a big weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Now that Nixon's secret was out in the open and we had our first kiss, everything had changed.

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