Chapter 27: "Like what? Type two diabetes?"

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I groaned in annoyance as the feeling of something prodding my cheek woke me up from my deep slumber.

"Go away," I mumbled, hoping the feeling would stop.

"Get up Mar," The deep voice spoke.

"Leave me alone dad," Wrapping the comforter around me tighter, I turned around hoping the voice would go away.

"Fine you asked for it,"

That was the last thing the deep voice said as I was met with a few minutes of silence. Sighing in content I was almost back to sleep, when suddenly I jolted up in a haste when ice cold water made contact with my face. I sat up in shock as my heart was beating out it its chest and I panted heavily trying to catch my breath.

Turning to my left, there stood a smug Aiden who was holding an empty glass in his hand. I all but screamed as I lunged for him. He was quick to react bolting out of the room, being the football player that he is, which left me groaning at my failed attempt.

I huffed up from the bed, now fully awake as my brother popped his head through the door. I sent him the most deadliest glare that I could as he spoke.

"Get ready we're going out,"

My deathly glare morphed into confusion. "Going out where?"

"We're leaving in an hour. And call your boyfriend he's coming too," Ignoring my question, Aiden disappeared and left me stood frozen in even more confusion as his words sunk in.

It had been a week since me and Nixon told Aiden the truth about what happened. He had barely spoken to anyone since. But when he did speak it was civil and somewhat normal. My heart ached for my older brother and I could only imagine what thoughts were roaming around his head.

When Nixon was over, he didn't even glare at him the way he usually does but instead gave a curt nod of acknowledgement. We both thought it was weird, but we weren't complaining as it was a step forward.

I had also noticed that for the past week he had been keeping low and keeping to himself, at school especially where I hadn't seen him interact with anyone whatsoever. This behaviour was out of the ordinary for Aiden, who was usually so sociable.

On that Sunday night, a large part of me dread going back to school and it was all due to one person. But with Nixon by my side I knew that Stacey wouldn't bother me. In fact, I didn't see her at all. I didn't tell my best friends what happened with her. I knew they would freak out and I didn't want to drag them into this, so me, Nixon and Ethan acted like nothing happened.

Checking the time brought me out of my thoughts, as I grabbed my cell to call Nixon. He answered straight away and I told him about Aiden's weird request. Both of us were apprehensive but he agreed and he planned to be over at the house within the hour.

Heading for the shower, I freshened up and made my way over to the walk in closet. Now that the weather was finally starting to get better, I opted for a denim playsuit. I decided to leave my brown hair in its natural waves as I got to work on my face. My bruises hadn't completely healed but they had faded away massively, making my job easier. I kept my makeup natural, adding some lipgloss and mascara with a pop of colour on my cheeks.

Putting on a pair of Nike sneakers, I made my way downstairs to the kitchen where I almost froze in surprise at the sight before me.

Jake was flipping pancakes whilst Aiden and Nixon were sat at the breakfast bar. Albeit Aiden was quieter than everyone else, they were all chatting amicably between themselves as the two boys ate. For a while I never thought a moment like this would ever happen so I smiled to myself, observing them for a few moments.

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