Chapter 1: Rumours say he's killed more times than he changes underwear.

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A/N- This book was written a very long time ago, whilst I was still a kid so please be warned that there will be mistakes, plot holes, outfit pictures that are outdated and things that may sound ridiculous!

I really appreciate everybody's support by reading my book and commenting but please keep those comments positive and respectful. Kind words or no words are usually how I like to do things. If there's something you don't like you don't have to continue reading if you don't wish. ☺️

Please read at your own discretion. Love always, Aashiqui24 💗


I felt as light as a feather.

Free as a bird.

Strong as a lion.

"Come on sweetheart, faster!" The woman's angelic voice sounded like music to my ears. The warmth of the sun was soaking onto my face. My white dress and brown curls were being blown behind me by the wind and I found my legs running faster and faster.

"MARA!" I halted at the sound of my name and turned around but nobody was there. Everything went black.

I liked the field.

Why wasn't I in the field anymore?

I felt a jolt from behind. It felt like a pair of hands and I started to fall.

I screamed at the top of my lungs. Falling further and further. I was spinning out of control. I couldn't breathe. Why couldn't I breathe? This was it, I was going to die.


"Mara! Miss Ellsworth!" I woke up to a loud bang next to my right ear. Feeling groggy, I turned my head where an intimidatingly large textbook filled my vision. What the hell?

I made the mistake of looking up and being faced with my History teacher's murderous glare. Or was he constipated?

The grogginess was really starting to get to me, but I decided that the most logical answer was the fact that he was indeed glaring at me. So I made the bold decision to smile sheepishly. To my surprise he smiled warmly back at me which made me come to the conclusion that Mr Midgely was bipolar.

I mean, it would explain a hell of a lot.

I sat up straight, still confused. After looking around, it was now that I realised the whole class were staring at me with either amused or appalled expressions. Like an automatic reaction I felt my cheeks getting warmer from embarrassment. From the corner of my eye I saw my 'supposed' best friends Isabelle and Kayla trying to hold in their laughter. Even dorky Dan was trying really hard not to laugh.

So I fell asleep and sort of had a nightmare in my worst lesson of the week... Boo hoo. It's not like I did a strip tease in the middle of the cafeteria like slutty Stacey did last year.

Just the mention of her name makes my skin boil. You don't want me to get started on slutty Stacey. Also known as my brother's girlfriend, the whiniest bitch on earth and my arch nemesis who was hell bent on making my life crap. There was not one single person on this entire planet who I hated more. Okay, maybe Donald Trump. On second thought no, not even him.

At least his blonde hair was real.

"Sorry to bother you Mara, but I came over to ask if you needed anything. A pillow maybe? Maybe a blanket? I know how cold my classroom can get,"

I was just about to agree and show my gratitude to his kindness, but about ten seconds later I registered that Mr Midgely was being sarcastic. You'd think that the Queen of sarcasm would automatically recognise it anywhere but hey, the Queen just woke up.

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