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I sighed as I searched for the key to my apartment.

I've spent some great days in New York with Robert and now I had to be back on set, only two days after New Year's Eve...

I would have loved to spend more time with him but unfortunately I wasn't supposed to.

When I entered my apartment, something seemed to be different. But I didn't know what it could be.

I walked along the hallway, trying to recognize anything new. Then I finally found what I've been looking for.

A huge light blue suitcase standing in the middle of my living room. I knew exactly who it belonged to.

"Oh my gosh, Jules!", I screamed smiling from one ear to another.

Immediately, she appeared in the doorway, her golden hair straightened and her piercing blue eyes staring at me intensely, smirking at me.

"What are you doing here?", I asked in surprise as she hugged me tightly.

"Just visiting my bestie", she replied jokingly, "It's been so long..."

"Indeed!", I agreed with her and couldn't hide a smile, "There's so much we have to talk about..."

"Maybe we could start with you dating one of Hollywood's hottest leading men and not telling me...", she said and looked at me in this reproaching way.

I hesitated a second before answering her.

"You didn't ask", I retorted then and earned a playful punch against my shoulder.

"But now I do!", she continued as we sat down on the couch, "Tell me everything! Every dirty little secret..."

She surely wasn't supposed to know every dirty little secret.

"I know how you've met, I mean I've seen The Tonight Show", she added, "But I mean... What is he like? Tell me, tell me, tell me!"

She was so curious and I just loved torturing her when she was like this.

"He's one hell of a man", I replied smirkingly, "He's charming, understanding, caring and actually the funniest person I've ever met. Yeah, he's a little crazy but that makes his charm."

She giggled as I talked about Robert.

Gosh, how I missed him already!

The more I talked about him, the more I wanted him to be with me right now.

Why didn't I just agree with him when he wanted to move to Atlanta? Everything would have been a lot easier. Maybe, I was simply stupid. Who in this world would not have wanted someone like Robert to move house for one?

"And what did Ian say about that?", Julianne suddenly brought me right back to reality, "I mean, you've split up about one year ago and now he's with Nikki..."

She swallowed hard as she mentioned Nikki's name.

"We haven't actually talked about that", I admitted, "But Ian and I are still friends. There shouldn't be any problems..."

And I really wanted it to be this way.


Later that day...

The doorbell rang and I immediately ran along the hallway. This must have been the pizza delivery guy, Jules and I had ordered about half an hour ago.

I quickly opened the door to receive him but unfortunately this was not the pizza delivery guy.

"Ian", I said in surprise and looked up to his ice blue eyes.

Behind The Scenes [A Robert Downey Jr. Fan-Fic] ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now