Pleasant dreams

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I slowly opened my eyes as the sun shone through the window.

I smiled immediately because I felt his strong arms around my shoulder and his soft breath on my skin.

"Robert?", I asked, "Are you already awake?"

"Sure, darling", he replied quietly and stroke my head, "Did you have pleasant dreams?"

I smirked.

"Very pleasant", I whispered and kissed his cheek.

He pulled me closer to his chest and gently kissed my forehead.

"So, would you like some breakfast?", he wanted to know.

"Yes, please!", I answered immediately.

"I think your mum's already downstairs preparing everything for us", he suggested.

"When did she come back?"

"About an hour after we decided to move upstairs, I guess..."

"Good", I mumbled relieved, "Would have been quite unpleasant if..."

"Agreed!", he laughed.


"Good morning", mum greeted smiling from one ear to another, "I hope you two had a lovely evening!"

"Indeed, we had", Robert answered cheekily, "Thank you, Mrs. Dobrev!"

"Call me Michaela", she said and offered us a seat.

She liked him. I knew she liked him. And she trusted him. The last time she told someone to call her by her forename... Well, it's been long ago.

And although I didn't want to admit it but she brought him back to me. She saved us from ourselves. And I was thankful she did that.

"Mrs. Dobrev- Michaela", he corrected himself, "Would you mind if abducted your gorgeous daughter this weekend?"

I blushed and looked away.

"As long as you take good care of her...", mum retorted.

"As always!"

She smiled.

"I'm sure you will", she added.

Suddenly I felt Robert's strong hand on my thigh. I looked at him and his beautiful brown eyes stared right back at me.

"I've got some huge plans for us, honey", he whispered scarcely audible.

"Mhm... I'm so excited", I whispered back and giggled amorously.

"Well", mum interrupted our little flirt and I blushed, "Robert, how did you two meet? I'm curious..."

He smirked. It was his typical smirk that made the little wrinkles around his eyes visible.

"It was our first day on set and we almost bumped into each other when the director, Todd Phillips, introduced us", he started to tell our story and I couldn't hide a smile, "And although I know it sounds like a cliché but it was love at first sight."

He looked at me as I grabbed his hand and our fingers intertwined.

"But winning her big and beautiful heart wasn't easy for me", he added cheekily, "Your daughter is hard to please, Michaela!"

She laughed and I punched his shoulder.

"Ouch", he mumbled laughing.

I gently kissed his cheek.

"You're an idiot, Robert", I whispered sarcastically.

"I love you, too, honey", he retorted and kissed my forehead.

And Jesus!, how I loved him.


"So, what are your plans for the weekend?", I asked curiously as I sat down in his car.

"We'll make two stops", he replied, "Firstly, I'll show you something that makes you love me even more..."

"Now I'm really curious", I admitted, "And our next stop?"

He hesitated as he started the engine.

Then he looked at me, his brown and golden sparkled eyes staring at me.

"I want you to meet someone", he said, "My son, Indio."

Behind The Scenes [A Robert Downey Jr. Fan-Fic] ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now